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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

A study to Classify Spouse Insurance Homicide Offenses

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2019, v.38 no.3, pp.347-376


The murder crime scene related to spousal insurance is often mistaken for casual accident death, so it is easier to look at it as a natural death scene rather than a murder crime. As the spousal insurance related murder is a planned and long-term crime unlike other murder, it is necessary to establish a protection plan for the victim by comprehensively understanding the characteristics of the motive and crime stages rather than the crime scene. From this point of view, this study attempted to classified the types of homicide offenders based on the characteristics of the crime motive and crime stage in the case of spousal insurance homicide. The purpose of this study is to find out the type that is suitable for Korean murder criminals related to spousal insurance. Secondly, it is to analyze trends of characteristics of crimes and types of criminals. For this purpose, we conducted homogeneity analysis(HOMALS) on 108 characteristic variables after we’d collected media reports, investigative agency press releases and criminal judgment sentences of 51 cases accused of homicide criminals related to spousal insurance in Korea from 2000 to 2017. As a result, Korean homicide criminals related to spousal insurance were classified into three different types according to their motive and crime stage characteristics: affair, predator, and poverty. In the affair type, the crime mainly was disguised as a hit-and-run traffic accident and both of them having an affair were related to the crime. The predator type offender mainly disguised the crime as an accident after the offender’d poisoned the victim. The victim was selected for the marriage and insurance application as the victim was socially weak. The offender from the poverty type mainly killed both the spouse and children after frustrated from the financial difficulties for daily living. Among the crime types, the predator type increased while the affair type decreased. It is important to pay attention to the risk of predator type increasing for the prevention of crime related to the spouse insurance. The perpetrator searches for the victim like hunting and kills the victim for the insurance death benefits and property after fake marriage. Based on these findings, future research directions for predators were suggested.

spouse insurance homicide offenses, criminal profiling, type classification, homogeneity analysis(HOMALS), 배우자 보험살인 범죄, 범죄 프로파일링, 유형분류, 동질성분석(HOMALS)



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General