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Vol.15 No.2

The relationships between the Big Five personality factors and contextual performance in work organizations
Do-Young Kim(Kwangwoon University) ; Tae-Yong Yoo(Kwangwoon University) pp.1-24

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between the Big 5 personality factors(Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness) and seven factors of contextual performance found by Yoo and Kim(2002). By a exploratory factor analysis, Yoo and Kim(2002) derived seven factors of contextual performance: organizational dedication, helping others, job dedication, following organizational rules, inspiring work atmosphere, sharing and proposing information, and showing consideration. Questionnaires were administered to 450 employees across 16 organizations and 329 valid responses were used in the data analysis. In this study, the seven factors of contextual performance were measured by sixty-six items satisfying both conceptual and statistical conditions. The factor structure of contextual performance was confirmed by the LISREL. The result of the confirmatory factor analysis indicated the measurement model consisted of the seven factors was well fitted to the data. Correlation analysis was conducted to examine the relationships between the five personality factors and two performance criteria(contextual performance and task performance). Results indicated that the Big 5 personality factors were found to have significant relationships with most of the seven contextual performance. Also, hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted to examine the influence of five personality factors on each of the seven contextual performance factors controlling for differences in employees` demographic variables(gender, age, tenure, job level, and job) which were entered into the regression equation first. The result showed that personality significantly explained the variance of contextual performance after controlling for the effect of demographic variables. Overall, Conscientiousness and Extraversion had the most significant impacts on the contextual performance. Also, results indicated that personality explained more variance of the contextual performance than that of the task performance as in the result of correlational analysis. Based on these findings, the implication of this study and the directions for further research were discussed.

Exploratory Cross cultural study of Alma mater identification
Won-Hyung Kim(Daejeon University) pp.25-45

The purpose of present study is to identify relations of alma mater identification and departmental identification and, antecedents. Alma mater identification and departmental identification was conceptualized as perceptions of common fate between the individual and the university, department, as suggested by the social identity theory. Responses to the self-administered questionnaire measuring alma mater identification and departmental identification, antecedents collected from 230 Korea students and 145 U.S.A students. To identify the antecedents of alma mater identification and departmental identification, hierarchical regression analysis were performed. Major results from the analysis were follows. In Korea, major satisfaction, peer satisfaction, departmental identification, met expectation influenced on alma mater identification positively. Occupational importance, professor ability, major future, peer satisfaction influenced on departmental identification positively. In U.S.A, major satisfaction, departmental identification, University prestige, occupational prestige influenced on alma mater identification positively. Occupational importance, professor ability, major future, peer satisfaction, major satisfaction influenced on departmental identification positively. To identify relations of alma mater identification and departmental identification and departmental identification model was conducted with 230 sample data, and USA alma mater identification and departmental identification model was conducted with 145 sample data Major results from the analysis were follows. In Korea, Occupational importance, professor ability, peer satisfaction influenced on departmental identification positively. Major satisfaction, peer satisfaction, met expectation influenced on alma mater identification positively. Occupational importance, professor ability, major future, peer satisfaction influenced on departmental identification positively.

An Examination of a Model for the Relationship among Perceived Organizational Support and Leader-Member Exchange, Safety Communication, Safety Commitment, and Accidents
Hyeong-Su Kim(Chung-Ang University) ; Se-Jin O(Chung-Ang University) ; Byeong-Hwa Yang(Chung-Ang University) ; Hyeong-Il Kim(Chung-Ang University) pp.47-66

This study proposed and examined a model in which perceived organizational support and leader-member exchange are linked to safety communication, safety commitment, and accidents. In addition, a moderating effect of role overload in the relationship between safety communication and safety commitment and that of performance monitoring in the relationship between safety commitment to accidents. Data were collected from 456 workers in a chemical factory, an airline, and a railroad company. The results indicated that the goodness of fitness of the proposed model was acceptable. More specifically, both perceived organizational support and leader-member exchange were significantly related to safety communication and safety communication was, in turn, significantly related to safety commitment which was ultimately related to accidents, Also, the moderating effects of both role overload and performance monitoring were found. Implications of these findings for safety and the possible roles of variables in the organizational level are discussed.

Antecedent Variables of Career Commitment: Differences Based on Employment Starus and Job Type
Beom-Sik Lim(Department of Industrial Psychology Kwangwoon University) ; Jinkook Tak(Department of Industrial Psychology Kwangwoon University) pp.67-87

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of various types of personal and situational variables on career commitment. Data were obtained from 161 permanent and 141 temporary employees who have been working in IT-related companies. The total sample was divided into four groups: (1) permanent-technical expert; (2) permanent-clerical worker; (3) temporary-technical expert; (4) temporary-clerical worker. Results showed that regardless of the group, generally the situational factors such as perception of job characteristics, employment practices, organizational culture characteristics were relatively more important than the personal factors in explaining career commitment. Based on these results, the suggestions were provided in an area of career development in organizations. Also, limitations of this study and directions for future study were discussed.

Causal models of Organizational Identification Organizational Commitment: Relations of Organizational Identification, Organizational Commitment and Antecedents, Job Involvement, Performance, Turnover Intention.
Won-Hyung Kim(Daejeon University) pp.83-121

The purpose of present study is to identify relations of organizational identification, organizational commitment and, antecedents, job involvement, performance, turnover intention. Organizational identification was conceptualized as perceptions of common fate between the individual and the organization, as suggested by the social identity theory. Organizational commitment was conceptualized as an individual`s attitude towards the organization, consisting of a strong belief in, and acceptance of, an organization`s goals, willing to exert considerable effort on behalf of the organization and a strong desire to maintain membership in the organization(Mowday et al, 1979). Responses to the self-administered questionnaire measuring organizational identification, organizational commitment were collected from 852 white-collar workers of the Korean large corporations, and analyzed by an exploratory factor analysis. All items in questionnaire consisted of 7-point Likert-type scales. Results supported that organizational identification was identified as a distinct concept from organizational commitment as proposed. To identify the antecedents of organizational identification and organizational commitment, simultaneous regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were performed. Major results from the analysis were follows. First, perceived external prestige, peer satisfaction, job satisfaction, procedural justice, and utility of employee development influenced on organizational identification positively. Second, perceived external prestige, open organizational communication, job satisfaction, peer satisfaction, and job challenge influenced on organizational commitment positively. To identify relations of organizational identification, organizational commitment and, anteoedents, job involvement, performance, turnover intention, an analysis of covariance structure was performed two stages. A proposed model was conducted with 852 sample data, and finally identified model was confirmed in a cross validation study with 568 white-collar workers of the Korean large corporations. Major results from the analysis were follows. First, perceived external prestige, peer satisfaction, job satisfaction influenced on organizational identification positively. But procedural justice, and utility of employee development could not influence on organizational identification in covariance structure analysis. Second, open organizational communication, job satisfaction influenced on organizational commitment positively. But perceived external prestige, peer satisfaction and job challenge could not influence on organizational commitment in covariance structure analysis. Third, organizational identification directly influenced on organizational commitment and job involvement. But organizational identification influenced on turnover intention via organizational commitment indirectly and could not influence on performance. And job challenge influenced on performance in two covariance structure analyses. Firth, organizational commitment influenced on job involvement and turnover intention, but could not influence on performance.

Relationships among Organizational environment, Trust, and Cooperation behavior in Virtualized organizations
Dae-Jeong Choi(Korea University) ; Dong-Gun Park(Korea University) pp.123-149

Since 1990's, as information technology and internet have been rapidly developed and broadly used, new forms of organizations have appeared. In many organizations, temporary project teams and joint ventures are often formed to adapt to a new environment. Organizational members are dependent on each other, working and communicating through various on-line communication channels in different places. From these views, this study was performed to examine the relationships among organizational environment, trust, and cooperations by surveying 126 ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) consultants. The stability of the intranet in the organizational have positive effects, with task-trust on cooperation behaviors mediating, The task information in the organization have positive effects, with relationship-trust on cooperation behaviors mediating. The accessibility of intranet in organization has positive effects on trust factors, but not on cooperation behaviors. The task interdependence have positive effects on cooperation behavior, which is, however, not mediated by trust. Trust is composed of 2 factors - one is trust in task, the other is trust in relationship. Task trust has a more positive effect on cooperation behavior than relationship trust. This study has some contributions to theories and practices in this area studied because it attempted to test a interrelationship model among organizational environment, trust, and cooperation empirically in the virtualized organizations. Some of the limits in this study are that the numbers of the items in the scales and respondents were small, which might not make the results of the study generalizable. Further study will be necessary to establish validities of the measures of organizational environment, trust and cooperation, and to test the model in larger samples, and to examine the effects of time.
