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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Person-Organization(P-O), Person-Job(P-J), and Person-Supervisor(P-S) fit on person`s attitude. Also, this study was conducted to identify whether the three types of fit have interaction effects on person`s attitude. For this study, survey data were collected from 312 employees. The result of this study showed that people perceive P-O fit, P-J fit, and P-S fit separately, and each type of fit affects person`s attitude differently. Organization commitment was predicted most highly by P-O fit. P-J fit explained most highly job satisfaction and intent to turnover. Also, the interaction hypotheses on relationship among three fits which were main interest in this study were partially supported. Based on these results, the implication and limitation of this study were discussed. Also, the direction for future study was discussed.
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산업 및 조직,
Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology,
The Effects of Person-Organization,
and Person-Supervisor Fit on Organization Commitment,
The Focus on Interaction Effects among Three Types of Fit,
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Person-Organization fit on person's attitude this study was conducted to identify whether the three types of fit have interaction effects on person's attitude survey data were collected from 312 employees The result of this study showed that people perceive P-O fit and each type of fit affects person's attitude differently Organization commitment was predicted most highly by P-O fit,