ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of leader's emotional intelligence(EI) on subordinate's attitude such as turnover intention, stress from leader, Leader-Member Exchange(LMX), and trust in leader and leader's task performance. The questionnaires were administered to 316 employees (subordinates). The subordinates rated their own EI, their leader's EI, their own attitude, and leader's task performance. Fifty out of 316 subordinates asked their leaders to self-rate their own EI. Leaders' EI rated by her/his subordinate was negatively correlated with subordinate's turnover intention and stress from the leader, and was positively correlated with the LMX, subordinate's trust in leader, and leader's task performance. Also, the leader's self-report EI was negatively correlated with subordinate's turnover intention and stress from the leader, and was positively correlated with subordinate's trust in leader and leader's task performance. However, subordinate's EI did not moderate the relationship between leader's EI and subordinate's attitude. In the post-hoc analysis, it was found that LMX and trust in leader mediated the relationship between the leader's EI assessed by her/his subordinate and subordinate's attitude. Based on these results, the implications and limitations of this study and the directions for future research were discussed.
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