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Proactive Career Behavior of Middle-aged Worker for Post-retirement Career


Career transition of middle & young-old aged workers before their complete labor force withdrawal have received more attention in countries where aging society is progressing rapidly. Given that organizations and society may not be able to provide a full support for career transition of middle & young-old aged workers, self-directed career management of individual workers may be a key factor for the successful second career. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that many affect the proactive career behavior of middle & young-old aged workers for post-retirement career. The proactive career behavior of middle & young-old aged workers may be associated with various contexts(i.e. organizational factor, social factor) as well as individual factors. the study took multilevel approach to capture the nature of the work environment of the career middle & young-old age. At the individual level, core self evaluation, work ability and mentoring were considered as predictor variables of proactive career behavior. The study also examined the cross-level moderating effect of employment security at the organizational level. Data were collected from 127 middle & young-old aged workers in 33 organizations. The data were analyzed with Hierarchical Linear Model(HLM). The results of the study found that positive effect of core self evaluation, work ability and mentoring on proactive career behavior at the individual level. employment security moderated the relationships between pre-retirement proactive career behavior and the predictor variables(i.e. work ability, mentoring).

Middle & Young-old Aged Worker, Proactive Career Behavior, Core Self-Evaluation, Work Ability, Mentoring, Employment Security, Consevation of Resource Theory, 중장년 근로자, 주도적 경력행동, 핵심자기평가, 작업능력, 멘토링, 고용안정성, 자원보존이론



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