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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of perceived supervisor’s job crafting on employee’s creative behavior and the mediating role of employee’s job crafting. In addition, this study examined the moderating role of identification with supervisor in the relationship between supervisor’s job crafting and employee’s job crafting which is called “behavioral contagion” in this study. The results from 317 participants provided evidence that (1) perceived supervisor’s job crafting was positively related to employee’s job crafting, (2) employee’s job crafting was positively related to employee’s creative behavior, (3) employee’s job crafting mediated the relationship between supervisor’s job crafting and employee’s creative behavior, (4) identification with supervisor moderated the relationship between perceived supervisor’s job crafting and employee’s job crafting which is called behavior contagion in this study, (5) identification with supervisor also moderated the indirect effect of perceived supervisor’s job crafting on creative behavior. Based on the results, general discussion such as implications of these findings, limitations, and future research were discussed in the last section.
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