이 연구는 문화기반시설인 공공도서관의 지역문화발전 기여전략을 제시하는데 목적이 있다이, 를 위하여 먼저 공공도서관이 수행하는 업무와 지역문화발전의 상의적 수수관계를 바탕으로 기여도를 평가하고 한계를 적시하였다.이 어공공도서관과 밀접한 지역문화를 지식문화, 독서문화, 학습문화, 대중문화, 여가문화로 구분하고 이들의 발전과 진흥을위한 공공도서관의 기여전략(장서개발과 이용서비스 중심의 핵심역량 제고, 디지털 정보해득력 교육・지원기능 강화, 독서생활화를 위한 독서촉진과 저변확대, 평생학습(문화)프로그램 제공서비스의 최적화, 시설·공간의 개방화 및 친숙성 증대, 지역 유관기관과의 연계·협력사업 확대)을 제안하였다
The goal of this study is to propose the contribution strategies of public library as cultural infrastructure to local cultural development in Korea. For this goal, researcher evaluated how public libraries contribute to the local cultural development in terms of interdependence of public library and local culture. Then, the researcher divided into the local culture to knowledge culture, reading culture, learning culture, living culture, and leisure culture, and suggested six contribution strategies(improving core competencies including the collection development and user service, strengthening education and support for digital information literacy, reading promotion and base expansion for everyday life, optimization of lifelong learning & culture program services, increasing openness and friendliness of the facilities and space, expansion of cooperation with relevant agencies) of public library for their development and promotion.
본 연구의 목적은 LGBTQ의 인권을 기저로 LGBTQ Friendly Library 정책의 방향을 제시하는 것이다. 이 목적을달성하기 위하여, 이 글에서는 세계인권선언서(UDHR)와 미국도서관협회(ALA) 및 국제도서관연맹(IFLA)의 활동과기존의 학술기사를 귀납적으로 분석하여, 그 결과로 우리나라 도서관의 LGBTQ 서비스 정책 수립에 필요한 7가지의방향을 다음과 같이 제시하였다: 1) LGBTQ의 인권 향상과 도서관의 의무 선언, 2) 도서관인 인권교육의 강화, 3) 다양한 정보요구의 수집과 장서의 확대, 4) 정보검색 및 접근 도구의 개발, 5) 도서관 환경의 안전성과 시설사용의평등성의 보장, 6) NGO와의 협력 네트워크의 구축, 마지막으로 7) LGBTQ 어린이 및 청소년의 지원.
This study is to propose the directions of LGBTQ Friendly Library policies based on LGBTQ’s human rights. To accomplish this purpose, this study comparatively analyzed key concepts from UN UDHR, ALA LBR, and IFLA statements up to scholarly library-articles related to LGBTQ with the inductive approach for qualitative data analysis. The result suggests the 7 directions of the library services policy-making for LGBTQ in practice : 1) Recommendations on the enhancement of the LGBTQ’s human rights and library obligations, 2) Enforcement of librarians’ education and training on LGBTQ subject matters, 3) Convergency on the various LGBTQ’s information needs and the enlargement of library collections, 4) Development of search instruments on LGBTQ, 5) Secure library moods and no-distinctive use of its accommodations, 6) Cooperation system with NGO on LGBTQ, 7) Care and support on children and young adults experienced with LGBTQ.
이 연구의 목적은 우리나라 대학도서관들이 당면해 있는 목록문제의 본질을 규명하고 원인을 밝혀내어 향후 개별도서관은 물론이고 도서관계 전체가 참조할 수 있는 해결책을 모색하는데 있다. 이를 위해, 먼저 도서관목록의 품질과도서관계의 편목업무 역량을 실증적으로 점검하고자 하였으며, 이를 토대로 목록의 품질 문제와 편목업무의 역량 문제를야기해온 원인을 토착적인 시각에서 찾아내고자 하였다. 특히 후자의 원인 찾기에서는 우리 도서관계에 내재하고 있는목록에 관련된 ‘철학과 인식’의 문제, ‘정책과 체계’의 문제, 그리고 ‘인력 시스템’의 문제 등에 주목하였다. 동일한 맥락에서목록의 품질과 편목업무의 역량을 제고하기 위한 토착적인 방안을 모색하는 것으로 연구를 마무리하였다. 한편, 이연구에서는 KERIS 종합목록 운영위원회에서 활동하고 있는 10개 주요 대학도서관을 사례로 하여 논점을 풀어갔으며, 논점을 풀어가는데 필요한 데이터는 관련 선행연구, 각종 통계집의 관련 통계, 10개 대학도서관 목록에 대한 검색실험, 그리고 사서들과의 면담 등을 통해 확보하였다.
The purposes of this article are to raise the critical issues on both catalogs and cataloging of Korean academic libraries, and to explore the feasible solutions to resolve the issues. To the end the first task is a though examination on both the quality of library catalogs and the work capacity of catalogers, and then it is followed by a careful investigation on the causes of both poor quality of library catalogs and low capacity of cataloging work. Finally suggested is some indigenous solutions to improve the low capacity of cataloging work as well as the poor quality of library catalogs. Discussions on this research are based on both search experiments on library catalogs and field interviews with catalogers of 10 major Korean academic libraries.
This research was done with the intent of showing the changes in the Library and Information Science(LIS) curriculum from 1991 until 2014, across the 40 Korean LIS departments. Using the department and faculty system, which I expected were the biggest change factors, I took these as the division points and analyzed the published data regarding curriculum offerings in units of 6-7 years. Fields with special characteristics were analyzed in more depth for changes. The results indicated several things. First, in the bibliography field the number of individuals had been reduced from 69 to 51 in 2014. Second, the subjects in records management had increased from 33 in 2005 to 57 in 2014. Third, in the linguistics field the decrease was from 63 in 1997 to 19 in 2014. Fourth, as a result of analyzing individuals that had been classified into the general LIS field, it was found that subjects related to the outline of the LIS, field studies, publication and copyrights, and career guidance were increasing. At the same time, the subjects related to the history of the library were decreasing.
공공도서관이 지역사회에 대한 정보를 수집하고 제공해야 하는 것은 지역사회 기반시설로서 매우 중요한 업무 중의하나이다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 공공도서관의 지역정보서비스 활성화를 위한 방안을 제언하고자 공공도서관 및 이용자대상 공공도서관 지역정보서비스에 대한 이용자 인식 및 요구조사를 실시하였다. 이를 토대로 하여 공공도서관의 지역정보서비스 활성화 방안으로 지역정보 이용을 위한 접근점 다양화, 이용자 요구를 반영한 지역정보 콘텐츠 개발, 공공도서관 중심의 지역정보서비스 협의체 구성, 인식 개선 및 이용 활성화를 통한 지역정보서비스 홍보를 제언하였다.
Collection and provision of information for local community by public libraries is a very important task as an infrastructure facility of local community. Therefore, in order to suggest a plan to invigorate community information service of public libraries, this study conducted a survey on users' recognition on and demand for community information service of public libraries which libraries and user perceive. Based on this survey, this study suggested a plan for invigoration of community information service of public libraries through diversification of point of contact for use of community information, development of community information contents reflecting user demand, organization of consultative councils for community information service centering on public libraries, improvement of recognition and vitalization of use of public libraries.
IT 기술의 발전으로 인한 디지털 자원의 양질적 증가와 다양한 이용자의 요구에 충족하기 위한 시대적 필요에 의해문화 기관에서의 복합정보 서비스 협력에 대한 요구가 증가하고 있다. 라키비움(Larchiveum)은 도서관, 박물관, 기록관의 기능을 통합한 복합 문화 시설의 개념으로 국내에서도 이에 대한 관심이 고조되고 있다. 국내의 문학관은 지역내 작가와 작품 중심의 귀중도서, 육필원고 등을 주력으로 관리하는 대표적인 문화 기관의 하나로 본 연구에서는 라키비움의 기능적 관점에서 문학관의 기능적 측면에 대해 파악하고, 문학관이 라키비움 논의에 포함되기 위해 선결되어야할 핵심사항에 대해 논해보고자 한다. 이를 위해 도서관, 박물관, 기록관, 문학관의 기능적 요소를 정리하고, 국내 문학관을 대상으로 자료 관리, 전시 관리, 운영 프로그램, 정체성과 관련된 실태 조사를 수행하였다.
With advancement of information technology and accumulation of digital resources, the demand on collaboration among libraries, museums and repositories are increasing. The purpose of this study is to propose Korean literature houses as an example of larchiveum. This study explored data management, exhibits and programs of Korean literature house.
The purpose of the study is to explore how isolated immigrant adolescents seek and use necessary information when they are unable to use significant information sources their peer groups in the period of transition before new peer — — groups are established. Sixteen recently arrived Korean immigrant adolescents were recruited and a mixed method including surveys and in-depth interviews was used through three research phases. This study gained a preliminary understanding of isolated immigrant adolescents’ information world: how they interpret their current situations and daily hassles, seek (or do not seek), and utilize information to cope with their daily life problems, and evaluate their use of information, including library systems and interpersonal sources. Five main emergent themes were analyzed from the findings and pertinent theories/models to interpret these unique features were suggested and discussed. The contribution and limitation of the study and future study are suggested and discussed.
본 연구는 보편적이고 타당한 학술논문 공동연구 기여도 산정 기준의 개발을 도모하기 위하여, 국내대학의 교수연구업적평가 중 학술논문 공동연구 기여도 산정 기준을 분석하였다. 국내 문헌정보학과가 포함된 종합대학 27개교의 규정과 189명의 국내 교수들의 2001년~2014년간의 학술논문 데이터를 수집하여 첫 번째 학교기준들을 비교하였으며, 두 번째 공동연구의 기여도 세 가지 산정식(Inflated, Harmonic, Fractional)과 학교기준을 적용하여 도출한 순위를 통계적으로 분석하였다. 계량서지학의 대표적인 공동연구 기여도 기준(i.e Vinkler)과 가장 유사한 기준은 기여도 총합이 1인 학교기준이었으며, 국내의 저자역할은 제1저자, 교신저자, 공동저자로만 구분하하고 있었다. 한편 순위의 통계분석 결과, 학교기준과 가장 유사한 기준은 Harmonic 방식이었으나, 학교기준 중 1보다 큰 기준과 Harmonic방식이 순위 상관이 상대적으로 차이가 나타났으며, 이러한 결과는 논문의 수가 중간수준인 저자일 경우, 산정식 형태에 따라 기여도 순위가 변동될 수 있음을 추측 할 수 있었다. 그러나 공동연구에서 가장 많은 기여도를 받는 학교기준을 적용할지라도 단독연구만큼의 기여도는 받지 못하였으며, 이는 연구자들이 공동연구를 기피하고 지양하는 한 요소가 될 수도 있다. 이에 타당한 공동연구 기여도 측정 개발을 위하여 정성적 연구방법을 포함한 후속연구가 지속 되어야 한다.
As the first step in developing the optimal co-authorship allocation method, this study investigated the co-authorship allocation standards of Korean Universities on journal publications. The study compared the standards of 27 Korean universities with Library and Information Science (LIS) departments, and analyzed author rankings generated by applying inflated, fractional, harmonic, and university standard method of co-authorship allocation to 189 Korean LIS faculty publications from 2001 to 2014. The university standards most similar to the standard co-authorship allocation method in bibliometrics(i.e. Vinkler) were those whose co-author credits summed up to 1. However, the university standards differed from Vinkler’s in allocating author credits based on primary and secondary author classification instead of allocation based on author ranks. The statistical analysis of author rankings showed that the harmonic method was most similar to the university standards. However, the correlation between the university standards whose co-author credits summed up to greater than 1 and harmonic method was lower. The study results also suggested that middle-level authors are most sensitive to co-authorship allocation methods. However, even the most generous university standards of co-authorship allocation still penalizes collaborative research by reducing each co-authors credit below those of single authors. Follow-up studies will be needed to investigate the optimal method of co-authorship credit allocation.
FRBR and FRAD model, ICP, RDA, NCR Revision are analyzed for the composition of KCR4 Revision. Based on the results, follows are suggested. 1) Entities are divided into work, expression, manifestation, item, person, family, corporate body, concept, object, event, place. 2) Entire cataloging rules are grouped into ‘attributes’ and ‘relationships’, and then ‘attributes’ is divided into attributes describing and access points constructing. 3) Attributes describing is divided into attributes describing of works, expressions, manifestations, items, persons, families, corporate bodies, and arranged as the sequence. 4) Access points constructing is divided into access points constructing of works, expressions, persons, families, corporate bodies, and arranged as the sequence. 5) ‘Relationships’ is divided into other relationships between group 1 entities, and relationships between persons, families and corporate bodies.
이 연구에서는 대학도서관에서 장서개발 업무를 담당하고 있는 사서들의 인식을 토대로 장서개발 사서가 전문가로서지녀야 할 전문성의 요건들을 도출하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 국내 4년제 대학도서관에서 장서개발을 담당하고 있는8명의 사서들을 대상으로 질적 면담을 실시하였으며, 그 결과 문헌정보학 지식, 주제분야 배경지식, 그리고 사서로서의정체성이 상위 범주로 제시되었고 그 아래 총 13개의 하위범주와 37개의 의미단위가 제시되었다. 이를 통하여 이연구에서는 장서개발 담당 사서의 전문성에 대한 이론적인 요건과 실제 현장에서 제기하고 있는 요소들을 종합함으로써향후 장서개발 담당 사서의 전문성 제고를 위한 교육 훈련 프로그램 구축에 기초적인 자료를 제공하고자 하였다.
The study aims at identifying professional competencies of collection development librarians in academic libraries. For this, the study collected data through qualitative interviews with 8 librarians who are in charge of collection development programs in four-year university libraries. As a result, the professional competency components emerging from interviews were divided into three parts; knowledge in library and information science, knowledge in subject field, and professionalism. Detailed components of three parts of professional competency were divided into 13 sub-categories, with 37 meanings. It is expected that the study as an exploratory research may provide further research to design educational and training programs for collection development librarians with basic data.
This study suggested that the concept of creative zone raised by the national interest of the 'Creation' should be extended in public libraries. The concept of creative zone in public libraries was analyzed on the basis of 'Con-creative structure ontology' by Rombach. As we understand a creator and creation as the relation of 'subject'-'object', The current concept of 'Creation' dilutes the possibility of 'Autogenese' that all beings as a subject possess. But 'Con-creative Structure' describes the process of 'Autogenese' through sharing and mutual communication of all beings. The formation process of Con-creative Structure corresponds to the philosophy of the library that supports the self-growth through communication and sharing. 'Co-working Space' is more suitable for the substantive image of Con-creativity than 'Makerspace'. Therefore, this study analyzed circumstances of creative zone in public libraries and Co-working Space in business areas and provided the conceptive and substantive modeling for Co-working Space in public libraries.
이 연구의 목적은 독서태도 모델을 개발하는 데에 있다. 이에 독서태도의 개념과 구성요인을 살펴보고 선행 독서태도모델을 비판적으로 고찰하여 새로운 독서태도 모델을 제시하였다. 개발된 독서태도 모델은 크게 독서환경 변인, 독자변인 및 독서행동 변인으로 구성되었다. 독서태도 모델 개발 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 독서태도의 구성요인을 인지, 정서, 행동의지로 구분하여 다양한 측면에서 독서태도를 확인할 수 있는 이론적 틀을 제공하였다. 둘째, 독서태도의행동적 요인을 행동의지와 몸짓으로 드러나는 독서행동으로 구분하여 독서태도의 구성요인에 관한 논리성을 강화시켰다. 셋째, 독서태도의 대상으로 물리적인 책(텍스트)과 책읽기를 모델에 명시하여 책의 중요성을 독서태도 모델에반영하였다. 넷째, 독서경험을 통한 인지적이고 정서적인 스키마를 제공하여 독서태도와 독서행동의 변화가능성을이론적으로 제시하였다. 다섯째, 개발된 독서태도 모델은 독서환경과 독서환경으로부터 유발된 자극이 독자와 독자의독서행동에 어떻게 영향을 미치며 피드백 되는지에 관한 영향 관계가 제시되어 있어 독서태도의 형성과 작동과정을이해하는 데 도움을 준다.
The purpose of this study is to develop a model of attitude toward reading. For that the concept and factors of reading attitude were examined and the preceding reading attitude models were critically studied to propose the new reading attitude model. The reading attitude model is consisted of three component named reading environment domain, reader domain and reading domain. The results of the development of a model of attitude toward reading are as follows. First, This study proposed a theoretical framework that can check and measure the reading attitude in various aspects by dividing reading attitudes into cognition, affect and intention factors. Second, It reinforced the logicality on the construct of reading attitude by dividing behavioral factor of reading attitude into the intention and the behavior. Third, This Model reflected the importance of book with text by specifying physical books and reading a book in the model. Fourth, this model theoretically proposes the potential for change of reading attitude and behavior by suggesting cognitive and affective schema from reading experience. Fifth, the developed reading attitude model helps to understand the form and process of reading attitude by presenting impact of reading environment and stimulation derived from reading environment on reader and reader’s reading behavior and affective relation on feedback.
This paper is a qualitative single case study and it was conducted for the purpose to explore change in interactive bibliotherapy experience with a middle-aged widowed spouse. A Middle-aged Widowed Spouse was taken as a research partaker. Through this research, we explored partitively the partaker's experience changes by each session during the commencing of interactive bibliotherapy and the partaker's inner/external experience change after the end of session. The result, interactive bibliotherapy facilitated and expressed the reaction of a partaker by its writing skills and reading materials including partaker's own poems. Furthermore, facilitated emotion from material and self-awareness made a partaker understand and accept itself through therapeutical interaction. In addition, those kind of changes appeared inner/external experience in life, and lasted after the end of the session. In this regard, the inner/external change appeared from a partaker means the effect of bibliotherapy, and we can notice that it is a result that facilitated through truthful reaction of counselor and texts.
Corporate information has great value, but also poses great risk. Information governance is an organization’s coordinated, inter-disciplinary approach to satisfying information compliance requirements and managing information risks while optimizing information value. This study aims to suggest the directions of implementing information governance in business firms based on analyses of Sedona Conference Principles of Information Governance. After analysing and reformulating the principles into control standards, and they are investigated and interpreted in terms of practicing information governance.
이 연구는 전 세계 34개국에서 운영하고 있는 공공대출보상권 제도를 심층적으로 분석하여 그 결과를 바탕으로바람직한 운영 방안을 제시하는데 그 목적이 있다. 공공대출보상권은 도서관의 자료 대출로 인하여 저작자가 자신의저작물 판매기회를 잃을 수 있어 그 손실을 보상해 주는 제도이다. 이 제도를 운영하는 34개국 중 31개국은 유럽국가이고, 20개국은 저작권법에 근거하여 동 제도를 운영하고 있다. 공공대출보상금 재원은 25개국에서 중앙정부예산으로 충당하고 있고, 20개국에서 보상금 산정기준으로 대출 횟수를 적용하고 있다. 저자, 삽화가, 번역가가 가장많은 국가에서 보상금 수혜 대상자로 지정되어 있으며, 17개국이 단행본 도서만을 보상금 지불 대상 자료로 지정하고있다.
This study aims to analyze in depth the operation of the Public Lending Right(PLR) system that is implemented in 34 countries in the world in order to propose the ideal operation of PLR system. The PLR system is that authors receive payment because they lose the sales opportunities due to the loan of their books by libraries. Among 34 countries implementing the PLR system, 31 are European countries and 20 countries enforce the copyright law for the operation of the PLR system. Fund for the PLR is financed by the budget of the central government in 25 countries and payments are made on the basis of loans data in 20 countries. Writers, illustrators, translators are eligible to receive payments in many countries. 17 countries provide payments to the authors who have contributed to books lent out by libraries.
This study intends to make a comprehensive inquiry into the quality of subject data in library catalogs. On the basis of National Library Subject Headings (NLSH) developed in 2002, National Library of Korea (NLK) has input the subject data into cataloging records since 2003. However a serious question could arise regarding whether the data are appropriate and desirable as a subject of the work. Under these circumstances, this study examined as follows: First, the meanings and attributes of the ‘subject’ were examined with a comprehensive literature survey. Second, a experimental analysis was carried out to measure the quality of the subject data. Sample records were selected from NLK, LC and A university library in Korea, and absolute and relative quality were compared. Finally, the substantial and realistic strategies for improving the quality of subject data were discussed.
이 연구는 사회네트워크분석(SNA)을 사용하여 지역 내 다문화가족지원기관 간 협력네트워크의 구조를 파악하는데목적을 두고 있다. 이를 위해 부산지역의 다문화가족지원센터, 공공기관, 공공도서관, 사회복지관, 기타 민간 영역의다문화 관련 기관을 대상으로 정보 및 자료교환, 인적·물적 교류, 재정지원, 공동사업, 행사참여에 대한 관계데이터를수집하고, 이를 토대로 협력 네트워크의 구조적 특성을 분석하였다. 분석결과, 협력네트워크는 전반적으로 활성화되어있지 않았으며, 일부 협력 유형의 경우 기능이나 성격, 역할이 유사한 기관들끼리만 협력이 이루어지고 있어 상당히제한적인 네트워크 구조를 보이고 있었다. 또한 다문화 관련 기관들 중 공공기관과 다문화가족지원센터가 주로 네트워크에서 중심적인 역할을 수행하며, 이들 기관은 다른 기관들과 상대적으로 골고루 연결되어 있는 반면, 도서관의 경우도서관 간 협력만 이루어지거나, 협력활동이 아예 없는 경우가 많았다. 따라서 도서관을 통한 효과적인 다문화 서비스를위해 다른 기관들과의 협력과 교류를 활성화할 필요가 있다.
This study attempts to analyze the structure of collaborative network among multicultural agencies in Busan area. The survey was conducted with such agencies as multicultural family support centers, regional government offices, public libraries, social welfare centers, and other NGO-supported agencies, in order to analyze the structural features of the network. The results of the study indicate that cooperative networks are hardly in action except for the one among agencies which share their function, roles, and characteristics in common, that regional government offices and multicultural family support centers have high density networks with other agencies and performed major roles. Public libraries, however, only collaborate with other libraries, or did not participated in the networks, which indicates that endeavors of public libraries to cooperate with other multicultural agencies is needed.
이 연구는 대구 대표도서관의 입지선정을 위한 평가요소와 지표를 제안하는데 목적이 있다. 구체적으로 사회적 여건, 물리적 여건, 경제적 여건, 사업시행 여건 등 4개 영역에 12개의 평가요소를 제시하였으며, 전문가집단의 입지 평가요소에 대해 가중치에 대한 검증을 토대로 7개의 대구 대표도서관 건립 후보지에 대한 평가를 실시하였다. 입지에대한 연구진의 자체평가 결과에 대해 전문가집단의 검증평가를 실시한 결과 평가 일치도가 높은 것으로 나타나 객관성과타당성을 확보하였다. 본 연구는 향후 지역대표도서관 및 공공도서관의 입지를 선정하는데 객관적인 평가기준을 제시하는데 목적이 있다.
This study examines locational environment factors for the construction of a Daegu metropolitan main library. We presented 12 evaluation factors in 4 large categories(social, physical, economical, and business promotion condition) and evaluated 7 proposed sites for Daegu metropolitan central library based on expert group verification. To the end, the results of assessment between researchers and expert group were arranged to coincide with each other. So, we secured the objectivity and validity. The result of this study can be used for assessing the site environment for a metropolitan central library and other public libraries.
이 연구의 목적은 OCLC WorldCat의 실험적 지원도구인 WorldCat Identities Network를 검토하고, 그 안에 수록된한국 관련 개인 아이덴티티의 문제점에 대한 개선방안을 제안하는 것이다. WorldCat Identities Network에 포함된영어 및 한국어로 표기된 개인 아이덴티티 10개와 주제 아이덴티티 10개를 사례로 선택하여 관련 아이덴티티 및관련 저작의 WorldCat 검색 결과를 분석하였다. WorldCat 검색 시 디폴트 검색식 구성의 문제점 및 검색 대상 아이덴티티의 이름과 연관된 연도 혹은 완전명 포함에 따른 검색 오류의 문제점을 확인하였다.
The purpose of this study is to review the processing of Korean related personal identities included in the OCLC WorldCat Identities Network and propose how to improve its errors. With twelve samples of English and Korean personal and subject identities, their related identities and works were examined, and their bibliographic records were retrieved from WorldCat. In searching WorldCat, inconsistencies in default search queries and the processing of identities with a date or a fuller form of name were observed.
본 연구는 창의인재교육 관점에서 고전문학수업에서 매체통합교육에 있어 매체풍부성과 매체경험이 매체유용성과학습몰입과 어떤 상관성이 있는지 살펴본 것이다. 이를 위해 전국 234개 시군구의 향토문화 자료를 집대성하고 이를디지털화하여 서비스하는 웹매체인 한국향토문화전자대전(www.grandculture.net)(향토DB)를 활용한 수업을 받은418명의 고등학생을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 가설 설정, 타당도 검증, 인과모형을 도출하여 구조방정식을 분석한결과,향 토DB의 매체풍부성과 학습자의 매체경험은 학습몰입에 주요한 영향임을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 매체풍부성과학습자의 매체유용성을 매개한 간접효과도 통계적으로 유의하였다. 따라서 향토DB와 같은 전국의 시군구 자료를 집대성한 웹매체의 적극적 발굴과 고전문학수업에서의 활용이 창의인재교육을 위한 매체통합교육에 유용함을 확인할 수 있었다.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the structural relationship between the use of a web medium and learning commitment to develop creative talent for higher media integrated Korean classical literature education. For this we used DBs of The ‘Encyclopedia of Korean Local Culture(a local culture DB)’ built by the Academy of Korean Studies, and a survey was conducted on 418 high school students, attending a classical literature class which used a local culture DB. The result of this study demonstrates media usefulness of local culture DBs’ positive effect on learning commitment. Specifically, media richness and media experience affects the learning commitment through the medium usefulness. These results indicate that in order to encourage learner’s medium experience and increase medium richness it is necessary to increase the utilization of mediums, such as local culture DBs.
이 연구의 목적은 대학 간 상호대차 데이터를 이용한 도서관 이용자의 정보요구 및 각 도서관 간 협력 관계 분석에있다. 이 연구에서는 상호대차 데이터를 각 대학의 미해결 정보요구를 담고 있는 정보원으로 보았으며, 데이터 정규화를위해 협업지수인 col hs-index를 사용하였다. 이를 위해 상호대차 데이터를 주제별로 분류한 뒤, col hs-index를이용해 상호대차 이용 건수를 정규화하였다. 연구 결과, col hs-index는 규모가 다른 도서관 간 상호대차를 분석할때 유용하게 사용될 수 있다. 다음으로, 상호대차 데이터를 주제별로 나누어 분석함으로써 각 도서관의 장서 특성, 이용자 요구를 탐색할 수 있었다. 또한 col hs-index를 상호대차 데이터에 응용함으로써 도서관 규모에서 오는 영향을제거하고 기존 연구보다 객관적인 상호대차 데이터 분석과 함께 계량서지학 지표의 응용 가능성을 발견할 수 있었다.
The purpose of this study is to analyze cooperative relationship and information needs using the interlibrary loan (ILL) service data of the academic libraries. This study interprets the ILL service data as information source that including unsolved information problems. Also, this study normalizes the ILL service data using the collaboration index. The results of this study have three aspects. First, col hs-index can be useful tool for analyzing ILL service relationship between different sizes of libraries. Second, this study find out the information needs and the collection characteristics of each library after analyzing ILL data by subjects. Third, by applying col hs-index, we could analysis more objective ILL data and found out possibility of bibliographic index.
The study aims at constructing adaptation model, CampusQual, to evaluate the services which Tsinghua provides for Korean Students. The study is based on ServQual’s “expectation-feeling difference” via conducting a survey on satisfaction on their campus life. We implement a survey including 30 questions in 5 sections: demographic statistics, study & information literacy, campus life, social & culture and regulations. Then through CampusQual model, we analyze the Korean students’ adaptation level. CampusQual is a new service model that would enable Korean students to better live and study in universities in China. It also provides feasible suggestions and guidance for administrators on improving campus services for Korean Students.
For the spread of the open access institutional repository in Korea, this study aims to analyze the factors affecting the acceptance of the repository. To gather the research data, a questionnaire survey was conducted for acceptance and non-acceptance institutions of the open access repositories. The questionnaire consisted of questions based on the revised R-TDM. Integrated Technology Diffusion Model is a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new technology and innovations spread through specific factors and cultures. According to the data analyzing, technology acceptance level of social factors was turned out the most effective factors to make a decision to accept the repository to their institutions. And institution factors, innovation resistance factors, and system factors were arranged in order of strong influence. This study will provides the basis for developing policies for dissemination and spread of repositories in Korea.
This study analysed the long-term plans of academic libraries to raise their usefulness at universities in Korea. Especially, this study focused the evaluation of strategic plans, and drew an evaluation guideline based on the evaluation methods of strategic plan of academic library in foreign countries. This study checked the long-term development plans of academic libraries in Korea, and evaluated how much the core elements of strategic plan are reflected in the long-term plans. As the result, it has come out that there are more characteristics of operation plans as routine services than those of strategic plan as long-term view which contributes to the development of libraries in the long-term plans of academic libraries in Korea.
이 연구는 변화하는 도시패러다임에 대응하고, 도시발전을 위한 도시 기록화에 필요한 구성요소를 도출하기 위한실험적인 연구이다. 이를 위하여 도시아카이브에 관련된 전문가들을 대상으로 2차에 걸쳐 델파이(Delphi) 조사기법을적용하여 도시 기록화의 기록분야와 구성요소들을 도출하였고, 각 분야와 요소들을 유형화, 계층화하였다. 연구의 결과는 1차 델파이조사 결과 6개 분야(자연환경, 인문환경, 역사와 문화, 사회와 교육, 산업과 경제, 교통과 통신)에서62개의 구성요소를 도출,차 2 델파이 조사에서는 6개 분야에서 32개의 구성요소를 도출하였다.
The goal of this research paper is to respond to changing paradigms in urban planning and derive requirements needed for urban archiving for the purpose of urban growth. In this research, the Delphi research method was used twice on experts on urban archiving in order to derive areas and required elements of urban archiving. Moreover, each area and elements were formalized and categorized. The results of this research is as follows. In the 1st Delphi research, 6 areas (natural environment, liberal arts environment, historical and cultural environments, social and educational environment, industrial and economic environment, transportation and communication environment), a total of 62 elements. In the 2nd Delphi research, six areas, a total of 32 elements.
본 연구는 학교도서관에서 정보활동을 통한 미래자서전 쓰기 프로그램을 전개한 후 고등학생의 자아정체감에 어떤영향을 미치는지를 알아보는데 목적이 있다. 이 연구는 고등학교 2학년 198명을 대상으로 진행하였다. 정보활동을통한 미래자서전 쓰기는 주 1회 50분씩 총 15차시에 걸쳐 학교도서관에서 이루어졌으며, 학생들은 자신과 자신의삶에 대해 알아볼 수 있는 정보활동을 전개한 후, 이를 바탕으로 미래자서전을 쓰고 한 권의 책으로 만들어냈다. 사전-사후 대응표본 t-검증을 통해 미래자서전 쓰기 프로그램 적용 전후의 자아정체감 변화를 분석한 결과 유의미한 차이가있는 것으로 나타났다.
The purpose of this study was to examine effects of writing future autobiography program using information activities in school library on improving high school students’ ego-identity. This study was conducted 198 high school students in grade 2. Writing an autobiography using information activities in library was conducted 15 times in total, once a week for 50 minutes, and students had done information activities to get to know about themselves and their own lives and they wrote their future autobiography based on those activities. Then they made their own books. As a result of analyzing the change of students’ ego-identity before and after writing the future autobiography through t-test, it turned out that there were some meaningful differences.
The purpose of this study is to measure the significant change in the career maturity of high school female students influenced by career exploration report writing program based on reading activities. This program was operated for a total of six weeks, and it took 100 minutes for two sessions per week with 23 high school female students. According to pre-post test comparative analysis, 5 out of 8 sub-factors of career maturity showed significant change. The 5 Factors are planning, self understanding, information search and career exploration and preparation actions. Above all the factor of knowledge on desired job especially showed a very considerable effect. But 3 factors such as attitude for occupation, independence and rational decision making did not show a significant result. Based on these, authors proposed some improvement plans of the career exploration report writing program.
The researcher conducts the survey through questioner method and analyzed the data in detail about E-resources available at SRM University library. The objectives of the study are to find out the awareness of use and purposes and their level of satisfaction of users. Further the researcher identifies the barrier and the ways and means of improvement of the use of E-resources. A total of 1,205 respondent was participating in this survey.