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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0688
본 연구는 인터넷 중독 집단과 비중독 집단이 자기개념의 하위영역(물질․정신․사회적 자기영역)에 대한 평가차원(부정평가도, 이상-현실 불인치도, 기대-현실 불일치도, 중요도)에서 차이가 있는지를 알아보고, 자기도피경향과 지각된 사회적 지지에 차이가 있는지를 확인하고자 하였다. 그리고 인터넷 중독 집단과 비중독 집단을 판별해주는 변인을 알아보았다. 본 연구의 주요 결과를 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 인터넷 중독 집단이 비중독 집단보다 자기개념의 하위영역인 물질․정신․사회적 자기영역 각각의 부정평가도, 이상-현실 불일치도, 기대-현실 불일치도에서는 두 집단간에 통계적으로 유의미한 차이를 보였고, 중요도에 있어서는 물질적 자기의 중요도만이 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 둘째, 인터넷 중독 집단이 비중독 집단에 비해 자기도피경향은 높은 반면에 지각된 사회적 지지는 통계적으로 유의미하게 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 인터넷 중독 집단과 비중독 집단을 가장 잘 분류해 주는 변인은 자기도피경향, 정신적 자기의 부정평가도, 정신적 자기의 이상-현실 불일치도 순으로 나타났다.
Internet has become a powerful instrument of life, but many researchers worry that internet has an addictive attribute and can make negative effects on the lives of the people who use internet. The purpose of this study was as followings: First, it was to examine the differences among self-concept, escaping from the self, perceived social support between addicted and non-addicted internet users. Second, it was to identify the differences among sub-areas of self-concept between addicted and non-addicted internet users. Third, it was to find out variables which could explain internet addiction and discrimination between addicted and non-addicted group. In this study, subjects were 700 undergraduate and graduate students. They were classified by the internet Addiction Test scores. Of all subjects, 689 were classified in the addicted group and 82 were in non-addicted one. The results were as followings: First, the addicted group evaluated themselves more negatively in self-concept than the non-addicted group. Addicted users group members also had significantly higher tendency of escaping from the self than non-addicted users group members. And addicted group perceived less social support than non-addicted group did. Second, Although there were significant differences between the two groups in most of the sub-areas of the self-concepts, only the material self-area showed difference in importance dimension. Third, the variables which discriminate between addicted and non-addicted group were the tendency of escaping from the self, mental negative evaluation dimension, and mental ideal-real discrepancy dimension of self-concept. Those three variables could correctly classify the groups(88.2%).
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(2004) 원 고 접 수 일,
상담 및 심리치료,
The Korean Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy,
Escaping from the Self,
and Social Support of Internet Addictive User,
The Catholic University of Korea,
Internet has become a powerful instrument of life but many researchers worry that internet has an addictive attribute and can make negative effects on the lives of the people who use internet The purpose of this study was as followings it was to examine the differences among self-concept escaping from the self perceived social support between addicted and non-addicted internet users it was to identify the differences among sub-areas of self-concept between addicted and non-addicted internet users it was to find out variables which could explain internet addiction a,
They were classified by the internet Addiction Test scores 689 were classified in the addicted group and 82 were in non-addicted one The results were as followings the addicted group evaluated themselves more negatively in self-concept than the non-addicted group Addicted users group members also had significantly higher tendency of escaping from the self than non-addicted users group members,
escaping from the self,
escaping from the self,