ISSN : 1229-067X
이 硏究는 双對聯合學習場面의 言語學習에 미치는 媒介効果를 알아보고자 하였다. 實驗 I에서는 8개의 媒介聯合圖式에서, 그리고 實驗 II에서는 I, V, VII의 3개의 圖式에서 각기 媒介効果를 檢討하였다. 피험자는 實驗 I 에서는 女子大學生이었고 實驗 II에서는 女子高等學生이었으며 實驗 I은 個人實驗이었고, 實驗 II는 集團實驗이었다. 双對構成에서는 우리말 無意味綴字를 材料로 한 混合設計를 使用하였다. 結果는 實驗 I, II의 各圖式에서 거의 媒介効果가 없었으며, 이것은 다른 硏究에서 보여 주는 强한 媒介効果와는 相反되는 것이었다. 이 硏究結果를 中心으로 보면 媒介効果는 聯合圖式만으로 決定 된다기 보다는 다른 要因(例로서 課題變因)과 相互作用에 의한 것이 아닌가 考慮되며, 一部에서 提起된 認知的要因의 重要性도 감안하는 것이 바람직하다. 더욱이 最近에 登場한 STM 및 LTM 모델을 媒介過程硏究에 適用할 必要性을 論하였다.
This study was purported to reaffirm the existence of mediation effects in the three stage transfer situation. Experiment I was conducted to find out mediation effects in the eight paradigms using paired associate learning. Dropping method was used to equalize the degree of learning of each pair in stage I and stage II. The results showed that among eight paradigms, significant mediation effect was found only in the paradigm I and mediation-tendency was observed in the paradigm V, though not signiffcant. Experiment II was to retest the mediation effect in the group situation using only three paradigms; I, V and VII. Contrary to the findings of Experiment I, mediation-tendency was observed only in the paradigm VII. The results of these two experiments were rather inconsistent with thestrong mediation effects in the other experiments (e.g., Horton and Kjeldergaard, 1961; Cramer (1967). Our results might be due to the use of dropping method (Experiment I) in which the degree of prior learning might not be sufficient to enhance mediation effects in the test stage. Many other reasons such as the confusion between implicit mediation of each stage and over mediation were also presented to explain the findings of this study. It was suggested that the study of these mediation related variables might be more appropriate for the further study on the mediation than the experiments to test the existence of mediation effects might. It was also suggested that the nature and locus of mediation might be analyzed and interpreted in terms of memory process, especially the "naming process" in STM and LTM.
攻攀場面에 노출된 후 후속공격이 증가한다는 社會的學習理論과 이와 反對로 攻擊행동이 減少된다는 傳統的 혹은 修正된 憎惡解消理論을 再評價分析하기 위하여 中立的映畫와 攻擊的映畫 등 2종의 자극 모델을 통해 81 명의 서울대학생에게 攻擊性을 측정했다. 특히 情緖誘發水準의 差異에 따른 攻擊量의 變化樣相을 관찰하고 攻繫性測定指標로서 이미 인정된 電氣자극강도와 相關지워 전기자극의 持續時間이 攻擊性의 指標로서의 可能性도 아울러 검토하였다. 그 결과 攻繫映畫를 본 피험자는 情報誘發水準에 관계없이 모두 中立映畫를 본 피험자보다 攻擊量이 많았으며, 情緒誘發水準이 높아질수록 攻擊量의 증가를 보였으며, 攻擊測定指標로서의 전기자극 持續時間은 아직 부적절한 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 暴力映盡가 社會的暴力行爲를 助長한다는 Bandura와 Walters의 주장은 지지받는 반면 攻擊映畫를 본 후 攻擊行動減少는 전혀 없었기 때문에 Feshbach 등의 憎惡解消理論은 支持받지 못했다.
This experiment aimed at investigating the effects of vicarious aggression through aggressive film, and also at finding that the relationship between the effects and the level of emotional arousal. It was designed by 2×3 factorial design. Eighty-one SNU students were initially subjected to non-arousing(control), mild-arousing and severearousing experiences. Then they viewed a. nonaggressive film a farmland sceneryete. 6 min.) and an aggressive film (boxing. 2 min. and fighting film. 4 min.). The dependent measures were the intensity andduration of electric shocks that the subjects ostensibly administered to their provacateurs(partners) whenever their partners made errors on an assigned answering task. The results revealed as follows: (1) Regardless of arousal level. Ss who observed the modeled aggression behaved more punitively than did Ss who had witnessed the non aggressive film. (2) The more aroused the Ss the more punitively they behaved. So we can say the level of aggression is dependent of the level oi emotional arousal. (3) Generally,aroused Ss responded more punitively than ded non-aroused viewers. (4) The correlations between the intensity and duration of electric shocks are different from one group to another. Because they arc very inconsistent,we have some doubt on the duration measure as an aggression index while the overall findings contradict the catharsis hypothesis both classical (Dollard, J. et al.) and revised(Feshbah, S. et al), they suggest the social learning theory of aggression by Bandrua, A. can be supported.
인삼 배당체가 마우스의 미로학습 및 open-field의 정서행동에 미치는 영향을 알아 보았다. 수중미로를 사용한 미로학습에 미치는 인삼 glycoside의 영향은 투여량이 2.5~5.0mg/kg인 경우 총 30회의 학습시행중 11-20회의 중간 시행과 정에 있어서는 대조군에 비해 유의하게 성공적 시행수가 많았다. 그러나 전 시행수를 통털어 볼때는 통계적으로 유의미하게 앞서진 못했다. Open-field의 정서행동양상은 투여량이 2.5-5.0mg/kg 일 때는 통제군과 다를 바 없었지만 20mg/kg인 경우는 통제 군에 비해 활동량이 유의하게 감소하였다. 이것은 인삼이 실험상황에 따라 그 효과가 달리 작용하는 것이라 볼 수 있어 인삼의 비특이성 효과라는 면으로 논의하였다.
The purporse of the present study was to see the Panax Ginseng has any influence upon the learning and emotion in animals. In order to asses this purpose, mice were tested in a single-T water maze and in an open-field. The results obtained were as follows. (1) As compared to placebo control, acquisition of the maze learning was tended to improve after the treatment of the Ginseng glycoside with doses of 2.5 and 5.0 ng/kg. (2) Ginseng animals with dose of 20mg/kg exhibited a significant sedative effect on the ambulatory behaviour in the open-field.