ISSN : 1229-067X
자극의 크기가 준거효과에 어떤 영향을 미치는가를 보기위하여 인물평가 형용사의 조합의 크기를 1개에서 4개까지 변화시켜 일정한 준거 밑에서 평정케 하였다. 그 결과 자극의 크기가 증가함에 따라서 준거효과는 일관성 있게 감소하였다. 그리고 이 추세는 다시 자극과 상황 사이의 적절성에 따라서 상호작용을 하고 있었다. 이 결과를 토대로 인상형성에서 정보통합과정에 관한 몇가지 시사를 논의하였다.
This study examined the relationship between a set size of stimuli and the context effects in impression formation. It was assumed that the context effects tend be larger when the set size of stimuls list decreases, In an attempt to test this assumption, an experiment was performed, manipulating the set size of the stimulus lists and inducing the context effects. The set size of lists was ranged one to four, while the favorableness of the stimulus lists were constant. The context effects were induced by the presentation order of the stimulus series. Subjects were presented with the stimulus lists and rated their liking for the adjective traits under different contexts. Consistent with our prediction, results showed significantly decreases in context effects as the set size of lists increased and the structure of stimulus were differentiated.