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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Types of Self-Construal Integration and Marital Stability: The Effect of Marital Satisfaction as a Mediator

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2007, v.26 no.2, pp.137-160


This study examined whether marital satisfaction mediates the effect of different types of self-construal integration on marital stability. It hypothesized that married people with both high independent and high interdependent self-construals would experience higher marital satisfaction that, in turn, contributes to marital stability. Data were drawn from a self-administered questionnaire study in which 489 married people (aged 25-75) residing in Seoul participated. As expected, those who held both independent and interdependent self-contruals highly showed both higher marital satisfaction and higher marital stability than those with high independent and low interdependent self-construals and those with both low independent and low interdependent self-construals. Moreover, after controlling for gender, age, level of education, health, and perceived financial difficulty, hierarchical regression analyses showed that effects of these different types of self-construal integration on marital stability were almost completely mediated by marital satisfaction. The data fully supported the hypothesis, and suggest that holding both independent and interdependent self-construals highly would contribute to marital outcome in a positive manner.

결혼만족, 결혼안정, 자기해석, 독립적 자기해석, 상호의존적 자기해석, 자기해석 통합 유형, marital satisfaction, marital stability, self, independent self-construal, interdependent self-construal, integration of self-construals



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General