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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Economic Values of Mental Health Services in College Counseling Center

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2009, v.28 no.2, pp.363-384


This study aims to estimate the degree of utilization of mental health services, social costs of mental illness, and economic values of college counseling center to develop the strategies that help college students to improve their psychological well-being and mental health. The cost-effective analyses of the group counseling in college students were conducted with three different approaches as follow: 1) The effect of mental health treatment on employment prospects, 2) The effect of mental health treatment onquality- adjusted life years, 3) The monetary-gain analyses by evaluating the costs and benefits of group counseling. As a result, individuals who received the group counseling could obtain 90 times more monetary gain than those who did not receive the group counseling. The results of this study verified the values of mental health service and provided empirical evidences for how to decrease social costs efficiently by identifying the priority of psychological problems and symptoms.

대학생, 정신건강서비스, 경제적 가치, 비용-효과분석, College Students, Mental Health Service, Economic Values, Cost-Effective Analysis.



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General