ISSN : 1229-067X
The focus of this study is to examine the following questions: Do generational gap and intergenerational conflict reduce quality of life and what role does self-efficacy play? This study examines the influence of the perception of generation gap and intergenerational conflict on quality of life among adolescents and their parents and the mediating role of self-efficacy. A total of 3,114 respondents, consisting of 1,038 adolescents and their father (n=1,038) and mother (n=1,038) completed a questionnaire that included the perception of generation gap, intergenerational conflict, and quality of life developed by the present researchers and self-efficacy (Bandura, 1995). Hierarchical analysis indicate that inclusion of self-efficacy significantly increases the percentage of variance explained for quality of life, far and above the influence of the perception of generational gap and intergenerational conflict. LISREL analysis indicate that the perception of generational gap had a direct and positive influence on intergenerational conflict, which had a direct and negative influence on quality of life. The perception of generational gap had a direct and negative influence on self-efficacy, which in turn had a direct and negative influence on intergenerational conflict and a direct and positive influence on quality of life. Those respondents with less intergenerational conflict and with higher self-efficacy had higher quality of life. However, self-efficacy had a more powerful effect on quality of life than intergenerational conflict. The effect size of self-efficacy on quality of life was significantly greater than the influence of the perception of generational gap and intergenerational conflict on quality of life. The effect size of self-efficacy on quality of life was 3 to 9 times greater than that the perception of generational gap and intergenerational conflict on quality of life. A similar pattern of results were obtained for adolescent, father and mothers samples. In summary, the perception of generational gap increases intergenerational conflict, which in turn reduces quality of life. However, self-efficacy reduces intergenerational conflict and significantly increases quality of life.
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