ISSN : 1229-067X
This study aims 1) to develop a program for university students that helps them to get a suitable match, have a satisfactory relation, plan their wedding and have a healthy sexual life, 2) to analyze its effects. According to a systematic procedure for the development of counseling model, participants and professional counselors were involved in develop and validation of the program. This program, consisting of 16 lectures (include 2 weeks for midterm and final test), was designed for a university liberal-art course. The effects of this program were analyzed by utilizing the dependent variables of ‘Love-Style’, ‘Relational Satisfaction’, ‘Sexual Knowledge Questionnaire’ pre-post ANCOVA. This program shows a positive effects in terms of improving ‘Love-Style’, ‘Relational Satisfaction’, ‘Sexual Knowledge’ and their evaluation for this program was positive, too. These result could lead to a conclusion that this program helps university students to improve ‘Love-Style’, ‘Relational Satisfaction’, ‘Sexual Knowledge’.
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