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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Psychological symptoms before and after the settlement in the South Korean society of North Korean Refugees according to gender and age

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2010, v.29 no.4, pp.707-724


This study compared the mental health problems of North Korean Refugees in the initial stage(Hanawon sample: 282) and living in the South Korean society(Community sample: 202) according to their gender and age. The scores of 9 subscales(Post Traumatic Stress, PTS; Anxiety, ANX; Depression, DEP; Somatization, SOM; Interpersonal Sensitivity, IS; Anger, ANG; Psycosis, PSY; Family Problem, FP; Alcohol Problem, AP) of BPSI-NKR(Brief Psychological State Inventory for North Korean Refugees) were compared across the settlement stage(Hanawon sample vs Community sample), gender and age. As a result of MANOVA, main effects of gender, age, and settlement stage on the several scales were significant. Female had the higher scores on PTS, ANX, DEP, SOM, IS scales than male, male had the higher scores on AP scale than female. 30s and 40s had the higher scores on PTS, SOM, IS, ANG scales than 20s, and Community sample had the higher scores on DEP, SOM, ANG, PSY, FP and AP scales than Hanawon sample. Interaction effect of gender×settlement stage, age×settlement stage, and gender×age on PTS, ANX, DEP, PSY scales were significant. Analysis of simple main effect showed that 20s and 40s had no difference on PTS and ANX scores, but 30s educated in Hanawon had the significantly higher scores on that scales than Community sample. Female showed high scores on DEP scale regardless of the settlement stage, but male living in community had the significantly higher score than Hanawon sample. 20s showed low scores on DEP scale both Hanawon and Community sample, in the case of over the 30s living in community showed higher scores than Hanawon sample. As regards PSY scale, male presented the similar level in Hanawon according to their age, but significantly differentiated in community. Female in Community sample showed higher score than Hanawon sample, but there was no difference according to age. Based on these result, therapeutic approach for North Korean Refugees were discussed.

북한이탈주민, 심리 증상, 성별, 연령, 북한이탈주민용 간이심리상태검사, North Korean Refugee, Psychological symptom, Gender, Age, BPSI-NKR



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General