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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Mediating Effect of Physical Comparison and Body Dissatisfaction in the Relation between Self-Esteem and Restrained Eating among Male and Female University Students

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2010, v.29 no.4, pp.791-815


This study probes to structurally examine influences of self-esteem, physical comparison, body dissatisfaction on restrained eating among university students. The participants were chosen from university students(N=410/ M=238, F=171, No Response=1) in Korea and they received questionnaires to measure their self-esteem, physical comparison, body shape, and restrained eating scale. Based on previous studies the researcher constructed one research model and two alternative models to navigate the most suitable explanation for data and verified the influence of variables and the significance of the mediating effect. Based on these results, we found that physical comparison and body dissatisfaction worked as partial mediation to the effects of self-esteem in restrained eating, and this mediation effect is statistically significant. Next, we verified the gender difference in the influences of each variables on restrained eating using MANOVA(Multivariate Analysis of Variance). We confirmed as results of multiple-group analysis that there was discrepancy in the optimum model for each gender. For male university students, the model of physical comparison and body dissatisfaction working as full mediation between self-esteem and restrained eating was the most suitable model where as for female students, the research model, a partial mediation model, fitted the best. The implication of this result was discussed and the limitation and future direction of this study were suggested in the end.

섭식억제, 신체불만족, 신체비교, 자아존중감, restrained eating, self-esteem, physical comparison, body dissatisfaction



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General