ISSN : 1229-067X
歸因이 解釋, 比較 및 選擇의 세 段階를 거쳐 이루어진다는 段階模型(stage model)을 제기하고 그 豫言들을 검증하였다. 學齡前, 國民學校 1年 또는 3年生에게 가상적인 이야기를 들려주고 두 主人公 중 더 강한 內的 原因에 의해 행동한 主人公을 택하도록 하였다. 세 實験의 結果들은 解釋段階에는 報償解釋과 命令의 正當化가, 比較段階에는 周邊人物要因들이 각기 영향을 주고 있음을 보였다. 특히 周邊人物과 命令의 正當化 變因간에 相互作用이 없었는데 이 결과는 이들이 각기 다른 단계에 영향을 줄 가능성을 시사한다. 學齡前兒童의 過半數 以上이 節減原理를 사용해 他人의 行動原因을 推定하고 있음이 드러났는데 이 결과는 자극이야기를 달리 사용했을 때도 일관되게 관찰되었다. 實驗 I과 II를 통해 學齡前兒童들이 比較段階에서 착한 아이의 判斷때문에 체계적 절감효과를 보이지 못함을 시사하는 결과를 얻었다.
A stage model was developed as a conceptual framework to explore limitations in the kindergartners' causal attribution. It was assumed in this model that a prevailing cause of a particular behavior is inferred through a series of stages: Interpretation of relevant information, comparison of actors with different causes, and selection of a particular actor. Predictions generated from this model were tested in the Smith paradigm (1975), using kindergartners and primary school children. Results obtained, in particular, patterns of interaction among variables indicated that perception of reward and justification of order influence the interpretation stage whereas type of a person who suggests an actor to do a certain thing affects the comparison stage. A decison made as to who is really a good actor (child) also seems to affect the latter stage. Furthermore, more than 70% of the kindergartners employed in the present study showed the discounting effect. Contrary to the results of the previous studies, only less than 5% of the kindergartners revealed the assimilation effect. These findings were obtained in three experiments with different stimulus stories as well as child subjects differing in socioeconomic backgrounds.