ISSN : 1229-067X
본 연구는 Rest(1979 a)의 道德判斷에 관한 主題定義檢査(Defining Issues Test: DIT)를 활용하여 地域, 學年水尊 및 性別 變因에 따라 학생들의 道德發連段階를 분석하고, 韓ㆍ美 학생집단의 도덕발단경향을 비교ㆍ검토하였다. 연구에 동원된 피험자는 모두 480명으로서, 서울지역과 江原地域의 初ㆍ中ㆍ高ㆍ大學松別로 남녀학생 각 30명씩이었으며, 비교를 위한 미국의 자료는 Rest(1976의 연구결과를 인용하였다. 原理的 道德性에 주요 指數인 P점수에 대하여 일반적으로 지지되고 있는 地域 및 학년수준에 따르는 差異는 假說에 부합하는 결과를 가져왔으나, 假說과 상반되는 여학생 優勢의 性別差異가 확인되었다. 비교적으로 信賴度가 낮은 제2, 3 및 4단계의 指數들은 일관성있는 지역간, 학년수준간 및 남녀간의 차이를 보이지 않았다. 한국과 미국의 비교집단들은 P점수와 例外的 選好段階率의 次元에서 상당한 차이점을 나타냈나. 본 연구결과는 넓은 의미에 있어서의 Kohlberg발달단계를 반영하고 있으나, 한국 학생들의 도시, 시골간과 轉·美 비교집단간의 差異는 각각 文化ㆍ社會的 영향의 소산이라고 해석하였다. DIT 指數上의 性別差異에 관한 앞으로의 연구는 제반요인들을 참작하여 다각적으로 이루어져야 할 것이다.
The aim of this study is to compare students' moral development stages across different subsamples of educational levels, regions and sexes using the Res's (1979) Defining Issues Test (DIT), and to assess possible differences in the developmental trends of Korean and. American student groups. A total of 480 subjects from Seoul and Hwachon area, composed of 30 male and female sixth, eighth and eleventh graders as well as collegians, was employed in the present study. Rest's (1976) results were used as the American data for the comparison purposes. The regional and educational effects in accordance with the hypotheses were reflected on the P scores which measure an important aspect of principled morality. However the effect of sex differences was significantly in favor of females, which was in contradiction to the hypothesis. The second third and fourth stage scores which were at relatively low reliability levels showed inconsistent differences among educational levels, regions, and sexes. It was revealed that the developmental patterns of Korean and American students with respect to the P scores and the rates of exceptionally preferred stages are quite different: the Korean groups show a gradually increasing trend according to educational levels, whereas the American counterparts show abrupt increases from the college level. Tho Kohlbergian moral judgment stages in a broad sense were confirmed by the present investigation of Korean samples. It is interpreted that the differences in P scores, some of the stage scores, and the preferred stage rates bet ween the rural and urban Korean student groups, and between. Korean and American groups are reflections of different socio-cultural backgrounds. Results of this study indicate that the future DIT research in. the field of sex differences shoud pay due attention to all of the possible effects of relevant factors such as IQ, SES., age. region, education, religion, etc.