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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Development of a family scale for detecting gambling problems in family members

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2011, v.30 no.1, pp.135-163


The purpose of this study was to develop a family scale for detecting gambling problems in family members, which help to identify family member's gambling behaviors. To do so, we selected several constructs necessary for the development of a family scale, integrating theoretical approach and experiential approach. Specifically, we constructed blue print and developed items through the constructs included in the existing gambling addiction scales, the analysis of individual interview, with each of 33 gamblers, and the contents of focus group interviews with counselors, G.A. members and their families. As a result, 46 dichotomous items were selected for the preliminary survey for gambling addicts and we obtained 2 factors such as ‘behavioral change’ and ‘economic situation change’ through the factor analysis. Due to the biased composition of the respondents(students were more than 80%) and unsatisfactory model fit, we modified the items and selected 34 items for the main survey on 154 family members of gamblers through several procedures. We obtained a 3 factor model through the exploratory factor analysis. The factors are ‘financial crisis’, ‘indifference to family and economic problems’, and ‘emotional problems and change in everyday behaviors’. Finally, we constructed a 10 item scale for differentiating levels of gambling behaviors in family members. Following the modified Angoff method, we obtained a standard score to use for judging the level of gambling behaviors. The cut off score is 5, and its reliability is considerably high(.86). Lastly, we discussed the implications and the limitations of this study.

문제 도박, 가족 척도, 척도개발, 조기탐지, 예방, gambling problems, family scale, scale development, early detection, prevention



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General