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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Effects that Empathy according to Perception of offender's intention have on Forgive-motivation

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2011, v.30 no.1, pp.325-339


The purpose of this study is to find the effects that Perception of offender's intention and victims' empathy have on forgive-motivation. For this, we measured the empathy-level of students attending University and conducted analysis of variance (ANOVA) with measuring offenders' forgive-motivations in texts after presenting texts about offenders' intentional conditions and coincidental conditions. This study showed that when subjects are perceive of offenders' intention as coincidence, the improvement of victims' empathy-level help victims' forgive-motivations to improve because of meaningful difference between low empathy-level group and high empathy-level group. Also when subjects are perceive of offenders' intention as intentional, the improvement of empathy-level can't give some help to improvement of forgive-motivations because there aren't any meaningful difference between low empathy-level group and high empathy-level group. To find the details about how the offenders' intention have effects on victims' forgive-motivations in analysis result, we conducted second analysis of variance (ANOVA) regarding sub-factors of forgive-motivations(not-revenge motivation, not-avoidance motivation) as dependent variables. In result, the not-revenge motivation were higher in high empathy-level group than low empathy-level group when both subjects are perceive of offenders' intention as coincidence and subjects are perceive of offenders' intention as intentional. But whereas the not-avoidance motivation were high in high empathy-level group than low empathy-level group when subjects are aware of offenders' intention as coincidence, it was low in high empathy-level group than low empathy-level group when subjects are perceive of offenders' intention as intentional. Through this result, the reason why there are not statistically meaningful differences in forgive-motivations between high empathy-level group and low empathy-level group when subjects are perceive of offenders' intention as intentional is seemed that the not-revenge motivation of high empathy-level group increase but the not-avoidance motivation decrease than low empathy-level group. This study is meaningful in the way that we searched empathy reported as it has the correlation with the forgive-motivations may have the meaningful effects on forgive-motivations by offenders' intention that subjects are perceive of but may not.

Self-Silencing, Depression, Interpersonal relationship, 용서동기, 공감수준, 가해의도성



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General