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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

The Influence of family-friendly atmosphere in the organization, work-family conflict and psychological well-bing on organizational commitment

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2011, v.30 no.4, pp.933-957


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among family-friendly atmosphere in the organization, work-family conflict, psychological well-being, and organizational commitment perceived by employees. This research was conducted through surveys from 397 persons who work for large, medium and small company who’s living in Seoul and Gyeonggi-Do. The results are summarized as follows. First, as a result of the correlation analysis regarding family-friendly atmosphere in the organization, work-family conflict, psychological well-being, and organizational commitment, there was a significant positive correlation between family-friendly atmosphere in the organization and work-family conflict, and there was no significant relationship between family-friendly atmosphere in the organization and organizational commitment. Significant negative correlation was shown between work-family conflict and psychological well-being, and between work-family conflict and organizational commitment. On the other hand, there was significant positive correlation between psychological well-being and organizational commitment. Second, family-friendly atmosphere in the organization, work-family conflict, and psychological well-being, work-family conflict and psychological well-being had significant effects on organizational commitment. Third, in relationship between family-friendly atmosphere in organization and organizational commitment, work-family conflict and psychological well-being had meditating effect. These results indicated that making family-friendly atmosphere in the organization should be preceded in order to maintain the balance between work and family life. Therefore, this research was meaningful in that supportive organizations and families can improve the organizational commitment by inducing a state of psychological well-being among the employees.

가족 친화적 조직분위기, 직장-가정 갈등, 심리적 안녕감, 조직몰입, Family-friendly atmosphere in the organization, work-family conflict, psychological well-being, organizational commitment.



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General