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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

The influence of dichotomous thinking on intensity and variability of mood and self-esteem

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2011, v.30 no.4, pp.959-972


Dichotomous thinking(DT) refers to the tendency to judge objects, people or events in terms of extremes. The binary conclusions drawn as a result of DT can lead to extreme emotional reactions and mood fluctuations. If DT is applied to evaluation of self, it can bring to unstable self-esteem. This study attempted to investigate the influence of DT on the intensity and variability of affect and self-esteem. The participants were college students assigned to two contrast groups (DT vs normal controls) on the basis of Dichotomous Thinking Index-30 Revised(DTI-30R). They kept mood diary measuring daily life events, affect and self-esteem during 14 days. The means and standard deviations of 14 daily records were compared between groups each as intensity and fluctuation measures. As results, in positive affect DT group did not differ from control group, but in negative affect showed more intensity and variability than control group. In self esteem, DT group was lower than control group and showed more up-and-downs. Therefore the hypothesis that DT causes intensification and fluctuation of mood and self evaluation was supported. Finally, we discussed implications and limitations of this study and present directions for future researches.

이분법적 사고, 기분 강도, 기분 기복, 자존감, 기분 일기, dichotomous thinking, affect intensity, mood fluctuation, self-esteem, mood diary



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General