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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Attentional biases for emotional stimuli according to trait anxiety and defensiveness

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2012, v.31 no.1, pp.127-145


The purpose of this study was to investigate effect of trait anxiety and defensiveness and the time-course of attentional biases about emotional stimulus. 389 undergraduate students took pre-experimental test consisting of STAI-T and SDS, and four different groups were selected based on the test scores. They were low anxiety(n=14), repressor(n=14), high anxiety(n=14), and defensive-high anxiety group(n=13). We used Posner's spatial cueing task to study the attentional bias for emotional stimulus. Three different types of stimulus(aversive, neutral and pleasant pictures) were selected from IAPS so that they have different affective ratings but similar arousal level. The emotional valence of the pictures affected response times at 300ms SOA only, not at 960ms SOA. Low anxiety, high anxiety, and defensive high anxiety group showed attentional avoidance of threat at 300ms SOA. Also, high anxiety, defensive high anxiety group showed attentional avoidance of pleasure. But, repressor group did not show attentional bias according to emotional value. Based on these results, implications and limitations are discussed.

특성불안, 방어성향, 정서자극, 주의편향, 공간단서과제, trait anxiety, defensiveness, emotional stimuli, attentional bias, spatial cueing task



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General