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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

Development and Validation of the Smartphone Addiction Inventory

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2012, v.31 no.2, pp.563-580

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This study investigated the reliability and validity of smartphone addiction scale. The scale was based on the 20-item Young (1998)'s internet addiction scale, Kang & Son (2009)'s mobile phone addiction scale, and new items derived from smartphone-related contents and checklists on the web. The items were reduced into the final scale with 23 items, which were delivered to 201 university students. Factor analysis extracted 5 factors the smartphone addiction scale, such as preoccupation, life difficulty, usual, excessiveness, and relationship. The internal consistency (Cronbach' ⍺) of the scale was .86. According to correlation analysis, the scale showed correlation with depression, anxiety, self-control and impulsivity, but not with openness and conscientiousness of big 5 personality scale. These results indicate that the smartphone addiction scale has concurrent validity. The structural equation analyses for cross-validation showed that our 5-factor model could be supported by the new sample consisted of 105 students. Limitation of smartphone addiction scale and direction of future studies were discussed.

smatphone addiction scale, factor analysis, cross-validation, preoccupation, life difficulty, usual, excessiveness, relationship, 스마트폰 중독 척도, 요인분석, 교차타당도, 몰입, 생활문제, 일상성, 과용, 관계성



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General