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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

The development of tasks for discriminating ADHD tendencies using eye-tracker and neuropsychological attention tests

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2012, v.31 no.4, pp.1211-1230


This study examined whether an experimental task using an eye-tracking device could be a useful tool for discriminating adult ADHD tendencies from normal adults. Study 1 employed ‘gaze-emotion task’ which required participants to exert anti-saccades depending on gaze direction and emotions. Study 2 used ‘exogenous-endogenous gaze-emotion task’ in which the position of the face stimulus was used as an exogenous attention cue, and the gaze direction of the face was used as an endogenous attention cue. The result of Study 1 showed that ADHD tendency group showed significantly lower performance than control group in accuracy rate and mean response time. Especially, ADHD tendency group showed significantly lower accuracy rate than control group in negative emotion trails that asked response inhibition. In Study 2, ADHD tendency group showed significantly lower accuracy rate and slower response time than control group in each SOA, emotion, and exo-endogenous attention condiiton. These results suggest that ADHD tendency group had difficulties in efficient employment-deployment of attention, and have deficits in response inhibition. In addition, the result of a discriminant analysis for these data showed that indices from each tasks have significant discrimination accuracy. Taken together, the result of the present study may be useful in understanding the characteristic of eye movement and difficulties in detecting and processing social cues in adults with ADHD tendency. Finally, it was suggested that the neuropsychological tasks using an eye-tracking device could be a useful tool for discriminating adult ADHD tendencies from normal adults.

성인기 ADHD, 비언어적 단서, 안구운동, 외생-내생주의, Adulthood ADHD, Nonverbal cues, Eye movement, Exogenous-endogenous attention



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General