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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

The Effect of Search for Meaning and Positive Affect on Presence of Meaning

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2013, v.32 no.1, pp.107-124


With the findings that meaning of life is an important variable that contributes to well-being, several studies have attempted to understand the process of finding meaning. Despite the previous efforts to identify the search for meaning and to examine the relationships between search of meaning and presence of meaning, the results had shown inconsistency and had not provided an integrated explanation. To examine the features of search for meaning and to reappraise the relationships between presence and search for meaning, cross-sectional and longitudinal studies were conducted. Also, the roles of search for meaning and positive affect that are predicted to as promote presence of meaning were investigated. Search for meaning and presence of meaning, positive and negative affect, life satisfaction and stress were assessed with 285(cross-sectional) and 164(longitudinal) college students, respectively. Using correlational analysis, multi-variate analysis, and hierarchical multiple regression, the patterns of variables was confirmed. The results of the two studies revealed that search for meaning was positively associated with presence of meaning, positive affect, and life satisfaction. Also, the results have revealed that presence of meaning is higher with a higher level of search for meaning. Findings suggest that the search for meaning itself is not dysfunctional and can lead to its presence. Specifically, the results suggested that search for meaning and positive affect enhance presence of meaning. It means that search for meaning and positive affect are both significant factors in process of finding meaning. Finally, implications for clinical practice and limitations of the results are discussed.

의미추구, 의미발견, 긍정정서, 삶의 의미, search for meaning, presence of meaning, positive affect, meaning in life



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General