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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Development and Validation of Discrete Emotions Scale (DES)

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2013, v.32 no.1, pp.63-89

(University of Notre Dame)


The aims of the present investigation were to develop a self-report measure assessing discrete emotions based on Korean emotion words and to examine its reliability and validity. In a preliminary study, 153 undergraduate students evaluated 834 emotion terms collected by Han and Kang(2000) in order to determine the degree of appropriateness to be used as emotion terms. A final list of 146 emotion terms to be used in study 1 was selected based on the following two criteria: the appropriateness as emotion terms determined by the preliminary study and the frequency in which we experience these emotions in our daily lives as reported in Han and Kang(2000). In study 1, an emotion card sorting task was administered to 10 graduate students who were blind to the purpose of the study. Principle components analyses with varimax rotation yielded 11 factors, from which 3 factors (i.e., love, compassion, and interpersonal stability/intimacy) were eliminated. From the final 8 factors (i.e., enjoyment, contempt/disgust, sadness, guilt/hostility, fear, shame/shyness, feeling of achievement, anger), 35 representative emotion terms were selected to form our Discrete Emotions Scale(DES). In study 2, 345 undergraduate students and community adults completed the Discrete Emotions Scale(DES), Positive Affect Negative Affect Schedule(PANAS), Differential Emotions Scale-Ⅳ(DES-Ⅳ), Symptom Checklist-90(SCL-90), and Concise Measure of Subjective Well-Being Scale(COMOSWB). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses supported the 7 factor structure of guilt/hostility, enjoyment, anger/contempt/disgust, fear, feeling of achievement, shame/shyness, and sadness. Our Discrete Emotions Scale(DES) showed adequate reliability and validity. In conclusion, the Discrete Emotions Scale(DES) has a potential to be used as a valid measure of seven discrete emotion factors in Korea.

Discrete Emotions Scale(DES), reliability, validity, emotion structure, 개별정서척도, 신뢰도, 타당도, 정서구조



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General