ISSN : 1229-067X
The mediating effects of maladaptive cognitive and behavioral coping between covert narcissism and hostility were exploratively examined in this study. Covert Narcissism, Maladaptive Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategy(Self blame, Blaming others, Rumination, Catastrophizing), Maladaptive Anger Coping Behavior(Avoidance, Aggressive expression) and Hostility were measured from 404 university students. The results are as follows: 1) covert narcissism showed statistically significant positive correlations with maladaptive cognitive and behavioral coping. 2) maladaptive cognitive and behavioral coping were partially mediated between covert narcissism and hostility as the verification results about mediating effects according to the procedure which are suggested by Baron and Kenny(1986). These findings suggest that cognitive and behavioral therapeutic intervention such as stopping catastrophizing or avoidant coping patterns be effective for covert narcissistic individuals in order to help themselves lower their level of hostility. This study has significant implication at the point of understanding clearly the relationship between covert narcissism and hostility.
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