ISSN : 1229-067X
The purpose of this study was to investigative the effects of covert narcissism on anger expression (anger-out, anger-in, anger-control) and interpersonal problems. Participants in this study was 321 male college students in Ulsan metro city. The results of this study were as following: First, covert narcissism have a positive correlation with anger-out, anger-in and interpersonal problems. And covert narcissism have a negative correlation with anger-control. Anger-out and anger-in have a positive correlation with interpersonal problems. And anger-control have a negative correlation with interpersonal problems. Secondly, anger expressions(anger-out, anger-in, anger-control) mediates the relationship between covert narcissism and interpersonal problems. Additionally, covert narcissism exerts a direct effect on interpersonal problems. The implications and limitations of this study were discussed.
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