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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

A Review of counselor's vicarious trauma

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2014, v.33 no.1, pp.109-137


As the interest in the counselor's mental health has increased recently, the research of vicarious trauma is also increasing. Vicarious trauma means that counselor's identity and inner experience have been transformed through indirect trauma exposure. In the west, vicarious trauma research has been developed in several ways: differentiating from similar concepts such as burn-out, secondary traumatic stress and compassion fatigue; finding related factors; and developing coping strategies and training programs. Researches of vicarious trauma so far has been claiming that the concept of vicarious trauma is not clear, because there is not any consistency in the findings on the relation between indirect trauma exposure and vicarious trauma. In early days, researches were focused on negative aspects of vicarious trauma, but in recent days, the fact that counselors have positive experiences such as vicarious post-traumatic growth and vicarious resilience has been reported. Since then, vicarious trauma research has been done in comprehensive dimension. In Korea, vicarious trauma research is just at the start line, so the clarity of the concept of vicarious trauma has been confusing, few qualitative researches exists on the phenomena, and also only a few training programs were developed for soothing vicarious trauma. This research was aimed to clarify the reason why the researches so far have been inconsistent and confusing, to summarize the results of the researches, and to suggest directions of future researches. As the result, there appears a question that the concept of vicarious trauma has been studied in two ways: cognitive distortion and PTSD. Accordingly, the researches in future are requested to synthesize the two ways, to re-conceptualize vicarious trauma including positive aspects, and to develop comprehensive tools of measurements.

대리외상, 이차외상, 가정폭력 상담자, 성폭력 상담자, 대리탄력성, 대리외상후 성장, vicarious trauma, secondary trauma, domestic violence counselor, sexual violence counselor, vicarious resilience, vicarious posttraumatic growth



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General