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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Intervention on Depression and Anxiety Symptoms: A Meta-Analysis

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2014, v.33 no.4, pp.903-928


The purpose of the current study was, using a meta-analysis, to estimate effect sizes(ESs) of mindfulness-based intervention(MBI), particularly mindfulness-based stress reduction(MBSR) and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy(MBCT) for depression and anxiety symptoms. In this analysis, several moderators possibly related to the ESs were also explored and tested. The moderators examined here included publication year, facilitators of MBI, number of sessions, participants' gender and age, clinical vs. nonclinical samples, type of study(treatment and control groups vs. treatment group only), experimental designs(random assignment vs. quasi-experiment), type of MBI, type of control group, and type of symptoms(depression vs. anxiety). Meta-analysis was performed using 29 studies on depressive symptoms and 31 studies on anxiety symptoms, published in domestic journals till December, 2013. Results showed that MBI was largely effective for treating depression and anxiety symptoms. For depressive symptoms, MBI's ESs were relatively stable across various study characteristics, with the exception that recent studies reported smaller values of ES. In case of anxiety symptoms, studies using both genders demonstrated larger values of ES than those using only female samples, and MBCT showed larger values than MBSR. In addition, the number of MBI's sessions was positively related to ES. However, other study characteristics we tested were not related. Because of the possibility of publication bias in our meta-analyses, the estimated ESs were corrected using Trim and Fill method. However, the corrected values can be still interpreted as moderate to large, indicating that MBI is an effective intervention for improving depression and anxiety symptoms of Korean clients.

마음챙김, 메타분석, 우울증상, 불안증상, 중재변인, 효과크기, mindfulness, meta-analysis, depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, moderator, effect size



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General