ISSN : 1229-067X
The purpose of this study was to highlight the importance of studies on suicide survivors—who are at a high psychological risk—and to direct future studies in psychological counseling for suicide survivors by analyzing research trends in South Korea. For this purpose, a total of 52 research papers, including 21 thesis papers and 31 journal articles, were analyzed under the following categories: basic information, research subject, research method, and factors contributing to overcoming grief and post intervention program of suicide. The analysis revealed the following results: First, the scrutiny of basic information of the studies showed a gradually increasing number of studies in the field of psychological counseling on suicide survivors. Second, through examining the research subjects, the possibility of expanding the concept of suicide survivors as a social community was verified. Third, examining the research methods showed that an insufficient number of studies had appropriately applied treatment methods in various cases. Fourth, examining the factors contributing to overcoming grief and post intervention program of suicide revealed the importance of social relations, counseling, psychological mourning rites, community-level post intervention program of suicide, and religion. Finally, these research results were discussed and a proposal for a follow-up study was offered.
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