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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

A Validation Study of Korean Version of PANAS-Revised

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2016, v.35 no.4, pp.617-641


The purpose of the present study was to revalidate the Korean version of Positive Affect and Negative Affect Schedule(PANAS). Twenty items originally developed by Watson, Clark, & Tellegen(1988) went through a translation and back-translation procedure to be adapted prior to data collection and were supported the scales’ validity by study 2. In study 1, Existed K-PANAS were evaluated by exploratory factor analysis. and It revealed that Existed K-PANAS have several of critical fault. On the basis of result of study 1, In study 2, psychometric analyses revealed that the Revised K-PANAS has 2 correlated factors and same questions as like the original PANAS with 2 times of exploratory factor analysis. Statistical analysis revealed that the Revised K-PANAS is a reliable and valid measurement for Korean. In confirmatory factor analysis, The model fits of the 2 factor model of structure were not good. but Depending of the opnion which is affect cannot be independent with other affect, The model fits of the 2 factor permitting correlated error were moderately good. These results suggest that Revised K-PANAS can be used for measuring affect in cross-national or cross-cultural study.

정서척도, 정적정서 부적정서 척도(PANAS), 한국판 정적정서 부적정서척도(K-PANAS), 척도 타당화, Affect Scale, Korean version of PANAS-Revised, K-PANAS-R, Validation



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General