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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Application of Seeking Safety to Trauma and Addiction Counseling in Korea

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2018, v.37 no.4, pp.471-502


Seeking Safety (SS) is the only PTSD treatment with strong evidence based that are effective for trauma and addiction. Unlike mainly used trauma treatments in Korea, SS is present-centered that focuses on the safety among the three stages of trauma and avoids unsafe exposure of past trauma. In addition, SS is theoretically based on cognitive behavior therapy, provides step-by-step manuals for therapists and vast worksheets for clients, does not place significant constraints on therapist's qualifications, and does not include long-term expensive training costs. Thus, it can be useful to work in the field with the advantage of timeliness and immediacy for counselors who have unfamiliar to trauma therapy and helping professionals who have various interdisciplinary backgrounds and developmental stages as experts. The benefits of SS can be applied to all types of trauma and addictive disorders. And it can also be used for out-of-the-box cases that have experienced trauma that does not fit the PTSD diagnostic system and various severity of the symptoms. The purpose of this study is to introduce SS for the first time in Korea and to suggest the possibility of applying it in the field of trauma.

안전기반치료, 트라우마, 중독, PTSD, 안전, 치료법, Seeking Safety, Trauma, Addiction, PTSD, Safety, Treatment



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General