ISSN : 1229-067X
We traced the root of behavioral measurement and assessment in Korean history in an attempt to locate where we are in the context of history and modern development of the field. We discovered that the balance between judgmental assessment and objective assessment has continuously moved from “judgmental” to “objective”, which is consistent with the developmental trajectory of the field in the western world. Through searching books, articles, and conference proceedings, we could build statistics about the modern development of the field and academic performance of scholars. We reviewed evaluation practices for the referral, recommendation, and selection of government posts in Korean history and found evidence of judgmental and objective assessment throughout the Old Chosun, three Kingdoms, Unified Silla, Koryo, and Chosun dynasties. Through the dramatic development in the last decade of 20C we have demonstrated tremendous achievement in the subdomain of instruments and assessment, and the subdomain of theory of measurement and testing. As a result we see more than 400 companies doing business in the field of psychological/social survey. Also we are close to witnessing the advent of testing industry in the nation. Lastly we raise some questions or point out some problems in current assessment practices in an attempt to pursue the next milestone on the route to full blooming days of behavioral measurement and assessment in Korea.
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