ISSN : 1229-067X
Educational donation programs provided by college students have been proposed as a novel compensatory education that can help adolescents to prepare for the contemporary society. However, there are not many empirical studies that examined the effectiveness of donation program on adolescents’ development. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether participating in educational donation programs has beneficial impacts on adolescents’ ability development and emotional stability. Participants were middle school students who participated in educational donation programs that took place weekdays or weekends. Participants completed questionnaires twice, before and after the programs, which included measures assessing intrinsic motivation for study, problem solving ability, interpersonal skills, self-control, career identity, and affect. A control group who did not participate in the program was also included in the study. Repeated t-tests among the participation students revealed that post-scores were higher than pre-scores in both abilities and affect. In addition, the results of ANCOVA showed significant effects of the program on the abilities and affect after controlling for the pre-scores. The importance and necessity of providing educational donation programs are discussed based on the findings.
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