ISSN : 1229-067X
As studies examining the effects of mindfulness expand, new scales that measure mindfulness have also been frequently developed. Nowadays, there are approximately 20 mindfulness scales. In this study, we examined 16 Korean and English scales that assess mindfulness in adults. We began by examining the concept of mindfulness, its components, and the theoretical background of each aspect measured. The psychometric properties of the scales were then compared, including internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and total explanatory variation. Next, we compared in detail the characteristic used by each scale (i.e., state or trait), as well as their methods of analysis, samples, survey methods, and measurable objects. During the fourth step, we described in detail what should be considered when using each scale. In the last step, we suggest the development of a new mindfulness scale that could remedy the limitations of the 16 scales evaluated in the following areas: characteristic, analysis method, sample, survey method, and measurable object. Lastly, implications and future directions are discussed.