ISSN : 1229-067X
본 연구는 저지를 사용하여 순막 조건화 초기의 속성을 해명하고 그 결과를 가지고 순박반응과 심박율반응이 유기적으로 어떤 관계를 가지는지를 완료 조건화와 준비 조건화의 견지에서 논의하였다. 저지 현상은 순막 조건반응이 아직 나타나지 않는 학습의 초기에도 나타나므로 피험동물이 순막 조건반응 개시이전에도 자극간의 관계성을 파악하고 있다고 결론지었다. 하지만 이때의 저지의 장도는 1단계 순막조건반응율이 규정된 수준 이상이된 경우의 저지의 정도와는 유의미한 차이가 있었다. 그러므로 설사 심박을 조건화가 순막 조건반응 출현이전에 점근선에도 달한다 하더라도 그것이 학습의 더 예민한 지표라고 주장하기는 어려우며 순막 조건반응 출현이전의 피험동물의 자극간 관계성 파악은 완전한 것은 못된다는 것을 알 수 있었다.
According to the studies of simul aneous measurment of heart rate and conditioned nictitating memberane response, the asymtotic level of heart rate conditioning could be attained only in 10-20 ·trials of the first session, whereas conditioned nictitating membrane response did not appear, yet. And recent studies have demonstrated that only 10-30 trials are enough to reach the asymtotic level of conditioning in one trial per day NMR paradigm. This number of trials are within the range of early portion of first session that does not show conditioned response in massive trials per session paradigms. So, the purpose of this study is to investigate the roles of initial trials of NMR with two experimental groups and one control group. Experimental group I received one CS A (tone)-US sessions in phase I and five CS A+CS B (Iight)-US sessions in phase II. Experimental group II received five CS A-US sessions in phase I and five CS A+CS B-US sessions in phase II. Control group received only five CS A+CS B-US sessions. Then, two test sessions, each of which contains 40 CS A and 40 CS B presentations without US, were followed to compare the levels of blocking among three groups and to find the evidence of learning in initial trials. Results showed that significant differnces of mean CR rate to CS B existed between control group and experimental groups I and II. It means there was an associative learning at the first session in experimental group I in spite of no CR performance. But it also means the learning was incomplete compared with the results of experimental group II. Resulis of the experments were explained in terms of performance factor and pre paratory and consummatory conditioning.