Library anxiety has been recognized as one of the representative fields that concerns user's affectivity in library and information study. Considerable library users have been discovered to experience library anxiety according to researches. Although digital libraries are becoming more popular changing drastically from traditional libraries, few studies have addressed the measurement of digital library anxiety(DLA). The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a multidimensional digital library anxiety scale(DLAS) based on previous research in library anxiety and digital libraries. It will become possible to define the construct of DLAS, provide its underlying dimensionalities, and find out how much they explain the construct. Through the exploratory factor analysis, DLAS has been developed with 39 items representing seven distinct factors which were interpreted as affect, resources, know-how, security, language, technology, and task explaining 51.165% of DLA. Also, DLAS' characteristics about demographic variables and use pattern were found through the T-test and ANOVA analysis for each factor.
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