대기를 커먼즈로 보아야 한다는 논의가 꾸준히 제기되어 왔다. 하지만 커먼즈를 이용과 관리대상으로보고적절한관리제도와규칙을고안하려는연구풍토로인해대기커먼즈 구성에 어떤 정치가 작동하는지는 충분히 탐구되지 않았다. 이 연구는 커먼즈를 정치적 과 정이자 산물로 바라볼 것을 요청하는 ‘커먼즈 정치’를 이론적 틀로 활용하여 대기 커먼즈 정치를 탐색한다. 이를 위해 그간 한국에서 진행된 대기·기후 운동으로서 반공해 운동, 블 루스카이 운동, 미세먼지 대응 운동, 청년 기후 운동 등을 살펴보고, 각 대기·기후 운동에 서대기커먼즈를발화한맥락,발화한주체,상정한커먼즈권리공동체,대기커먼즈의탈 구성기제등을분석한다.이를통해유동하고보이지않는공간인대기에계급,도시관리, 국민 국가, 인정의 정치 등 정치적 과정이 각인되어 있음을 보이고, 대기 커먼즈를 통한 탈 영토적 정치의 가능성과 한계를 논의하였다.
In the commons literature, there have been vast discussions based on the idea that atmosphere should be considered as the commons. Especially, appropriate in- stitutions or rules to manage the atmospheric commons have intensively been ex- plored from a view of the commons as an object of use and management. However, less attention has been paid to what political process has been inscribed into the at- mospheric commons and how it works. This article calls for rethinking the com- mons as a political process and political constitution. By using a theoretical frame- work of ‘politics of the commons’, this paper explores movements against air pollu- tion and climate change in South Korea from the 1970s to 2010s: ‘Against Pollution Damage’, ‘Blue-sky’, ‘Against Fine Dust’, and ‘Youth Climate Movements’. This article analyzes where the atmospheric commons becomes to be spoken, who speak the atmosphere as a commons, how communities having the right to the commons are defined, and how the mechanism of decommonisation is supposed. This is ex- pected to show that the politics of class, urban management, nation-state, and rec- ognition has been carved into the atmosphere, the space of flow and invisibility. Lastly, this paper discusses the possibilities and limitations of post-territorial poli- tics on the atmospheric commons.
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