ISSN : 1229-067X
知覺의 恒常性과 對象의 存在確信이 어떻게 형성되며 또 어떻게 相互作用하는가를 규명해 보자는 것이 本硏究의 自的이다. 방법으로써 乳兒의 運動感覺(Kinaesthesie)과 剌戟一般에 대한 反應傾向을 縱斷的으로 관찰하였다. 피험자는 서로 姉妹 間인 두명의 여자어린이였으며,관찰기간은 2년9석주)과 1년 6개월(덕주)이였다. 관찰된 자료의 分析 結果, 知覺의 恒常現象은 發生的으로 對象 永續性의 槪念形成 에 힘 입음을 볼 수 있었다. 이것은 知覺에 어떤 認知作用이 개입함을 긍정하는 것이다. 아울러 Piaget의 知覺活動과 Husserl와 規整的 綜合作用을 論議함으로써 理論的 根據를 살펴보았다.
The purpose of this paper was to study genetically in the process of being established our perceptual constancy of objects and GegenstandsbewuBtsein and to try to clarify how they interact. Two Korean girls' response tendency and Kinaesthese were observed for two years (Seok-joo) and one and a half year(Deok-joo), respectively. The observed data were analysed in terms of the constitution of object permanence concept (Piaget) and the occurrence of the perception of shape constancy. The relationship between the two were discussed and the intervention of a certain cognitive activity into the process of perception was supported. Theoretical implication was discussed within the framework of Helmholtz's unconscious inference, Piaget's perceptual activity, and Husserl's Konstituion.