ISSN : 1229-067X
먼저 연구(李芸英·車載浩, 1974)의 部分的 再試와 擴張으로서 일련의 父母養育態度變因을 아이의 女性性과 相關시켰다. 어느 국민학교 5學年 학생들중 가장 男性的인 男學生, 가장 女性的인 女學生, 가장 男性的인 女學生, 그리고 가장 女性的인 女學生의 네 집단(각 15명)의 父母 60쌍을 가정방문하여 父母용 質問紙를 실시하였다. 어머니變因들에서의 결과는 먼저의 연구의 결과와 모두 달랐으며 이러한 먼저 결과의 再現의 失敗와 새로 얻은 아버지變因들에서의 3개의 性×女性性 相互作用効果와 어머니變因에 나타난 2개의 主効果를 父母가 養育態度尺度에 反應할 때 예비조사에 피험가가 되었던 그 아이를 念頭에 두고 反應했기 때문인 것으로 說明했다. 이와 같은 養育態度尺度反應에서의 父母의 自己指示의 方法論的인 意義를 논하고 또 어머니가 아버지보다 아기의 特性 중에서 性에 敏感할지도 모른다는 可能性을 指摘했다.
In a partial replication of and extension of an earlier study (Lee & Cha, 1974), the present study correlated children's femininity scores with their parents' child rearing attitudes. A femininity (MF) scale was administered to a group of fifth graders and on the basis of the scores of this scale, 4 groups (Sex × Femininity) of 15 pupils each were selected representing the two extreme MF score groups in each sex category. Parents of these 4 groups of pupils were given a questionnaire containing a set of child. rearing attitude scales. Results from the mothers failed to confirm the correlations observed in the earlier study. This failure as well as the newly obtained Sex × Femininity interactions on three of the father variables and main effects observed on two of the mother variables were explained in terms of the influence of child characteristics on of the parents test responses, who apparently through self-instruction responded to the scales with that particular child in mind who became the basis for classification of the parents. Possibility for a greater receptivity of the mother as opposed to the father toward sex-linked characteristics of the child and methodological implications of self-instruction on the part of parents in a study using a design such as the present one were discussed.