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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

The Effects of Self-attitude Dimension Structure and Self-control on Psychological Well-being

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2008, v.27 no.2, pp.485-503


Linville(1985) had suggested to have various non-redundant self-aspect for improving psychological well-being through the model of self-complexity. For helping recovery from various psychological symptoms through structure of self-concept or changes of methods organization, we have to know cognitive mechanism operating at its bottom. However, this model fails to explain about the mechanism. On one hand, in researches on the field of attitude, Lee, Soo-Won and Shin, Hyun-Sook (1986) had revealed that evaluative dimension and descriptive dimension exist according to differentiation level and had said that qualitative difference of these attitude structures is cognitive mechanism conciliating vulnerability of stress accidents. In this study, we have investigated whether self-control adjusts or not self-attitude dimension structure and psychological well-being by applying models of McConnell et. al (2005) who had insisted to consider self-control as mediate variables adjusting complexity and psychological well-being. As the result, while for people who's self-attitude dimension structure is evaluation dimension, self-control did not adjust psychological well-being, people of description dimension, self-control could adjust psychological well-being. This implies that people of description dimension, who have dual structure, can help their psychological well-being when they recognize highly the possibility of control against their self-aspects.

자기태도 차원구조, 평가차원, 서술차원, 자기통제감, 심리적 건강, self-attitude dimension structure, evaluative dimension, descriptive dimension, self-control, psychological well-being



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General