ISSN : 1229-067X
We investigated the work life of Female Merchandisers(FMD) taking a qualitative methodology (by Strauss & Corbin, 1990) in order to understand psychological factors and process for their job satisfaction and burnout which leads to high turnover rate in the industry. Eight FMDs working in 8 different mega-stores in the metropolitan Gwangju area were interviewed. The analysis of interview protocol turned up 201 concepts, 56 subcategories, and 22 categories. Two factors of work stress make the work highly stressful. Primary factor is relationship maintaining factor. This factor involves dealing with 5 different individuals each in different context (the other FMD in the same floor, the store manager, the manager of the outsourcing company which hires the FMD dispatches them to the store, the marketing manager of manufacturing company, and the customers). The secondary factor is task performance stress. The two factors are inextricably related to put great psychological strain which leads to burnout both physically and emotionally. Some moderating factors of the job strain and job satisfaction were identified such as loyalty to the manufacturers, self-efficacy, extrovert, and recognition by the store managers. The burnout, linked with the poor work conditions, puts the workers into considering turnover. Following the axial coding step, we identified the main theme as “survival in the flux of overloaded task in 5 types of work relationships managing concern.”
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