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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Is it possible that people with mental disorders are reintegrated into our communities?: the Effect of Social Distance

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2010, v.29 no.1, pp.49-69


Stigma toward people with mental disorders in our communities is a serious situation, which causes them to prevent from both improving their clinical symptoms and reintegrating into our communities. The purpose of this research was to assess how much college students want to interact with people suffering from mental disorders depending on the symptoms of disorders (depression, alcohol abuse, schizophrenia), gender of people with disorders, and contact (experience, frequency, perception) of respondents. Data were collected in a web-based survey with vignettes on social distance scale and a total 243 students was used in the final data analysis. This study’s findings demonstrated that students were more willing to react (1) with person in depression vignette (while one in schizophrenia vignette were rated the most negative scores), (2) with more female in the vignettes than man regardless of symptoms and social context, (3) when they have positive impression from the contact experience with people suffering from mental disorders. Research findings turned out that it is essential for persons working in rehabilitation fields to consider the strategy for reducing stigma toward schizophrenia and man with mental disorders. In addition, the interventions with personal contact that could result in positive impression may significantly influence reductions of social distance, which could help people with mental disorders reintegrate into our communities.

정신장애, 낙인, 차별적 행동, 사회적 거리감, 접촉 경험, mental disorders, stigma, discrimination, social distance, contact experience, mental disorders, stigma, discrimination, social distance, contact experience



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General