ISSN : 1229-067X
學齡前 兒童들이 他人行動의 原因을 體系的인 原理를 사용해서 推定하고 있는지를 둘러싼 논쟁을 해결하기 위해 본 연구가 시도되었다. 5세, 7세 및 9세 兒童 120명에게 그림과 함께 8가지 이야기를 들려준 후 假想的인 主人公의 行動의 原因을 推定하고, 그 內的 動機의 强度를 推定한 후 未來行動에 관해 豫言하도록 하였다. 兒童들은 豫想된 報償을 받은 主人公보다 豫想外 報償을 받은 主人公이 더 內的으로 動機化되었고., 장차 그 행동을 할 可能性이 더 많다고 예측하였다. 物質的 報償을 받은 主人公보다 雷語的 報償을 받은 主人公이 또한 內的 原因때문에 행동했고 그 행동을 할 것이라고 추정되었다. 特히 學齢前 兒童들은 豫想된 物質的 報償보다 豫想된 言語的 報償條件에서 內的 歸因을 더 많이 하였다. 이 兒童들의 과반수는 外的 또는 內的 한 方向으로 原因을 推定하는 偏重된 歸因을 보였다. 內的 原因推定, 內的 動機의 强度推定 및 未來行動 豫言 課題에서 兒童의 反應 點數간에 有意한 相關이 있었다. 本 硏究의 結果를 說明하기 위해 歸因過程에 대한 段階模型이 제기되었다.
The present study examined whether preschoolers are able to employ the discounting principle in the attribution process. Kindergartners, first and third graders, 40 subjects each, were asked to listen very carefully to several stories in each of which an actor performed a nice behavior. They were then asked to answer three questions intended to measure inferences about the cause of the actor's behavior, estimation of the degree or his internal motive, and prediction about the same future behavior. More internal causes were attributed to actors who did a nice behavior without any anticipation of reward than to those who did in expectation of reward. The same pattern or results emerged in a comparison of the actors who were given verbal rewards to those who received tangible rewards. Kindergartners inferred more internal causes in the behavior of actors who received unexpected tangible rewards than in the behavior of actors who were given expected tangible rewards. These subjects also revealed internally or externally biased discoill1ting effects and only 10% of them seemed unsystematically applying the discounting principle. Taken together, these findings suggest that given plausible causes of a behavior, kindergartners encode relevant information about the behavior and then use the discounting principle. Finally, significant correlations were obtained among three measurements: Causal inferences of behavior, estimation of internal motives and predictions about the same behavior.