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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Concepualization of Low Level Gambling Behaviors and Development of a Scale

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2011, v.30 no.2, pp.599-628


The present study is aimed at conceptualizing lower level gambling behaviors and developing a scale measuring those behaviors. People at low levels in gambling behaviors take more than 90 percentage of the general population. First, we redefined some levels of gambling behaviors differently from the current usage. Level 0, ‘psychological zero level’, is redefined as a state of having no experience of gambling or a state of absence of intrinsic motivation, interest, or intention of gambling. Level 1 is a state of intrinsic motivation or interest in gambling behaviors characterized by “undeveloped damage or harmless consequences” and “not being involved in biopsychosocial risk factors”. To bridge the gap between level 1 and level 2, we introduced M level (1.5 level), a state of involving biopsychosocial risk factors. Preliminary 52 items were constructed including filler items. Data were collected from 627 respondents including college students and visitors at legal sites for gambling. Through the 3-round item and respondent selection process, 18 items were chosen. Then one item was removed in exploratory factor analysis. In the end 17 items were retained. Finally, as a result of confirmatory factor analysis, we could confirm the 3-factor structure: level 0 factor, level 1 factor, and level M factor that were hypothesized to exist at the low end of gambling behaviors.

Non-problem gambling behaviors, levels of gambling problems, measurement scale, factorial validity, 비 문제 도박행동, 도박문제 수준, 측정도구, 요인타당도



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General