ISSN : 1229-067X
The purpose of this study is to develop a scale measuring emotion regulation strategies of adolescents on the basis of qualitative investigation into adolescents’ real life. In-depth interviews with 14 adolescents were performed including middle and high school, male and female, and psychosocially adaptive and maladaptive students. 118 concepts of emotion regulation strategies were formulated and then 70 preliminary items were extracted through qualitative analysis of the interviews. The emotion regulation strategy scale for adolescents with 25 items and 8 factors was constructed using exploratory factor analysis of the data of 256 middle and high school students. The 8 factors were named ‘social withdrawal’, ‘hopeful thinking’, ‘seeking communication and support’, ‘interpersonal aggressive behavior’, ‘rumination and worry’, ‘diversion’, ‘isolated aggression’, and ‘positive thinking and behavior’. The reliability of this scale was favorable (Chronbach α=.745). Regarding cross-validity test, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted on the data of 270 middle and high school students, showing favorable fitness indexes of RMSEA .049 and CFI. 90. This study has implications in that it enlightens emotion regulation strategies specific for adolescents; ‘social withdrawal’, ‘hopeful thinking’, and ‘interpersonal aggressive behavior’ which have been overlooked in emotion regulation scales for adults.
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