ISSN : 1229-067X
본 논문은 정보처리접근하에 문제해결 분야를 주도해 온 영역독립적 문제해결 연구와 새로운 움직임인 영역의존적 문제해결 연구를 비교하고, 특히 후자의 연구들을 방법론적 특징, 주요 결과와 그에 대한 설명, 갈등적 결과들과 쟁점 등에서 고찰한 다음, 그 방법론적 문제점들을 논의하였다. 영역의존적 문제해결 연구들이 아직 탐색단계에 있으므로 영역독립적 문제해결 연구가 사용해 온 방법론을 도입할 필요를 제안하였다.
The present article compares domain-specific problem solving research with domain-independent problem-solving research which has been conducted under information processing approch to cognition. The domain-specific problem-solving research is examined in terms of its methodological characteristics, major results and proposed explanations about them, conflicting results and potential issues. In particular, its methodological problems are discussed in detail. It is suggested that since domain-specific problem-solving research is still at the descriptive stage in revealing the nature of expert information processing systems, the methodology of domain-independent problem-solving research should be utilized in this new resear area.