ISSN : 1229-067X
혐오조건화에는 정서적 학습과 적웅적 운동학습인 두가지 하위범주로 나눌 수 있으며 정서적 학습은 적응적 운동학습에 필수적이라고 한다. 본 연구에서는 첫째, 토끼의 편도체 중심핵을 손상시켜 정서적 심박조건화와 적응적 순막조건화에 미치는 영향을 보고, 둘째 순막조건화 형성에 심박조건화가 필수적인가 보고자 하였다. 토끼를 편도체 손상집단과 유사시술집단으로 나누어 시술한 뒤 학습시켰다. 눈가에 가해지는 전기쇼크를 무조건 자극, 소리를 조건자극으로 하여 고전적 혐오조건화를 시키면서 심박조건화와 순막조건화를 동시에 측정하였다. 실험 결과, 편도체 중심핵이 손상된 피험동물은 심박조건화에 결함을 나타내었으며 순막조건화 역시 지체되었다. 이 결과는 편도체 중심핵이 심박조건화에 중요한 신경 구조물임을 나타낸다. 또한 심박조건화가 순막조건화에 필수적임을 시사한다.
Many researchers have distinguished two classes of conditioned responses: diffuse or nonspecific preparetory CRs and precise, specific, adaptive CRs. Specifically R.F. Thompson proposed that in aversive learning initial development of the nonspecific "conditioned fear" trace system may be essential for the subsequent development of the specific adaptive memory trace and that the neuronal substrates of the two trace systems differ at least in part. Considerable evidence indicates that amygdaloid central nucleus is involved in conditioned fear and cerebellum is involved in conditioned motor responding. This investigation was conducted to determine effects of amygdaloid central nuclus lesion on the course of the acqusition of rabbits nictitating membrane response(NMR) in classical conditioning. After lesion, acquision training of 4 days started, following one day of adaptation session. For each of the 4 days training, each subject received 60 trials of which 54 trials were reinforced and 6 trials nonreinforced. Only in nonreinforced trials were the heart rate changes measured and these changes were analyzed by comparing with the basal response rate. Conditioned NMR was analyzed by 9/10 criterion. There were significant differences between the sham-operated group and the amygdaloid central nucleus-lesioned group in heart rate changes and conditioned NMRs. The result suggests that amygdaloid central nucleus is involved in conditioned fear and the conditioned fear is essential for the specific adaptive response.